Dimension 20: Season 9, Episode 3 script (2024)

In the wake of a harrowing act of violence, the guests at Loam Hall investigate the bloody scene.

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(suspenseful music)

(thunder rumbling)

(loud violins)

(mice squeaking)

- Hello, one and all and welcome back

to another thrilling
episode of Mice and Murder.

I am your humble Dungeon
Master, Brennan Lee Mulligan.

With me as always are our Sylvan Sleuths.

Say hi, Sylvan Sleuths!

- Hi!

- [Together] Hi, Sylvan Sleuths!

- Oh, I love it, gang.

Last we left off, our animal investigators

were rushing into the drawing room

on the first floor
entrance wing of Loam Hall

to discover that Squire
Badger had indeed been


After a contentious beginning
to the squire's 60th birthday,

with confrontations between
the Vicar Ian Prescott

and Squire Badger
concerning his continuation

as vicar in Tufting Meadows,
or perhaps a transfer

after a hefty tithe to
the Anglican Church.

A quick bandying of sharp words at the bar

with Sylvester Cross, concerning
Sylvester's showing up

of Lord Brockhollow with the
return of his detective's fee,

and indeed a shouting,
rage-filled confrontation

following Buckster's
very genteel blackmailing

in the billiards room of the leisure wing.

After all of this had been said and done,

dinner had commenced, and
a letter had been given

to Buckster indicating that Squire Badger

was going to sell his 50% share
in Buckster's oil business

to one of Buckster's chief competitors!

- Jackrabbit!

- [Brennan] Jackrabbit!

We also saw a continuation
of Gangie's relationship

with the wonderful Mrs. Molesly,

the beast who's been at Loam Hall

the longest of any creature,

and a mysterious request
from Mr. Ambrose Harding

to meet on the second
floor landing after dinner.

Those plans however, have been,

shall we say a bit disrupted.

We also saw Lars and
Daisy confront one another

outside of the seance room,

where Daisy discovered
a number of key details

about a portrait hanging
in the back of the...

behind the table with the crystal ball.

A portrait of an ancient
badger lord of Loam Hall.

We have rushed into the drawing
room to see Mrs. Molesly,

her hands covered in blood,
over the prostrate body

of Squire William Thornwall Brockhollow

with a bloody wound in his
chest as she cries out,

moments after lightning
struck and Sylvester saw

the pale, translucent figure
(thunder rumbling)

of Fletcher Cottonbottom.

We once again begin years earlier,

in a Bavarian castle
overlooking a steep drop

over an ancient, remote lake and river

and a plunging waterfall.

(Brennan whooshing)
(water splashing)

Years before, a much less
injured Sylvester Cross

sits overlooking the vastness
of the Bavarian countryside,

the mountain stretching away.

The castle at Rickenbunny Falls.

- Mm.

- A voice from the shadows emerges.

- [Plummy Voice] Well,
well, well, Mr. Cross,

in the flesh.

(match striking)

- Match, pipe,

and the face of a pure, snow white rabbit

with a fluffy little tail

and those puffy little rabbit cheeks,

the little tufts of cheeks
that come out to either side,

and stiff and upright though they are,

the extraordinarily fluffy
ears of your archrival.

- Cottonbottom.

- [Cottonbottom] Detective, I
take it that you have enjoyed

your time here in the manse.

It came into the possession
of the Cottonbottom family

sometime within the last
quarter of a century.

Before that, it belonged to
some local Bavarian nobles.

Down on their luck, they were
willing to sell it for a song.

- Cottonbottom, I'll have you know

I arrived in Bavaria for the pastries.

- (chuckling) You always were a man

of some considerable appetite, Mr. Cross.

- And you always were a man

who didn't know how to enjoy
things, Mr. Cottonbottom.

- And yet something tells me
I'll be enjoying this evening

quite a great deal.

- [Brennan] You see he
sort of lowers his pipe,

looks at you and says,

"My man tells me that the local guard

are on their way from the constabulary.

Apparently, my plans to move
the munitions out of the castle

weren't quite in time.

It seems some interfering
detective may have alerted

the local authorities as to
this castle's transformation

into a bit of munitions depot."

- Yes, well, it turns out the castle

didn't have proper protections.

Now a man such as yourself

wouldn't want munitions
stored there, would you?

- [Cottonbottom] No.

No, I wouldn't.

I think you are under the
impression that the snare

is closing around me, detective.

But I'm afraid this time, the
fox doesn't catch the rabbit.

- [Brennan] And with a
swish, his paw comes out,

and a manacle closes around your wrist,

chained to his.

(all laughing)

- Chained to each other?

- You are chained to each other, yes.

He looks at you and says,

"My family's name, our reputation,

the memory of my late father.

You were ours!

You worked for us!

I don't know if you've read your Dante,

but there is no circle of hell lower

than that for a betrayer, Sylvester."

- Then I believe you
and I should investigate

the 7th circle together.

- (gasping)

- [Brennan] You see he grabs
you, hears the noise of

the German military, boom boom
(gunshots fire)

coming in through the bottom,

his criminal enterprise
having been discovered.

He grabs you and leaps over the side.

(wind whistling)

You fall forever.

We cut back, as your memory

(Brennan splashes)
(water splashing)

of hitting the water...

Just in time as you reach
back for your lockpick

to come undone, your last memory,

Fletcher disappearing deep in the water

as you rise to the frothy surface.

We are in the drawing room
on October 4th of 1905,

all eyes once again
turned to Sylvester Cross.

Lucretia hears your bon mot,
and with a loud (shrieking)

faints, boom, passes out on the floor.

(all laughing)

- We are in initiative order still,

and the reason we're still
in initiative order is,

even though this is not a combat scenario,

everyone here that is used
to skullduggery, espionage,

and detective work, knows for a fact

how important these moments are.

These are the moments
after everyone discovers

that there has been a crime,

and so where people choose
to direct their attention

in these moments will be
decided on a turn-by-turn basis.

Father Prescott, you still
have that 23 initiative.

You have just run in here
with a flock of people

gathered from the dining room

to see Squire Badger on the ground,

Mrs. Molesly beside him,

the door open from the
drawing room into the study.

What I want from you is, and on your turn

you absolutely can take an
action, you can do stuff,

say stuff, do whatever you want or,

if you wanna spend your entire
turn just looking for stuff

and trying to get information,
you can do that as well.

And these are happening in
like, fractions of a moment.

These are just kind of like
where your eyes are going

in this extremely critical period of time

right after the body has been discovered.

Father Prescott, what is
it that you are going to do

in this moment?

You are first to act.

- The first thing Father Prescott does...

Where is Gangie?

Is Gangie in here?

Yes, Gangie is in here.

- Gangie is in here.

You see that Gangie has entered,

is the only person at the north door.

So the drawing room has three doors in it.

One leads to the entrance,
another one leads into the study,

and the third leads to the dining room.

Gangie came in through
the dining room door

and was the only one to
enter from that direction.

This also is an interesting thing,

that the drawing room is
one of only three rooms

in this wing that has
outward facing windows.

Remember that Loam Hall is underground,

so the drawing room has
windows facing the outside.

- (mhmm-ing)

- But yes, you see Gangie, yeah.

- Okay, I think Father
Prescott wants to go around

and tell everyone,

using his authority of the cloth

or power of the cloth or whatever,

is trying to conduct his
own investigation of, like,

hey, if you tell me, you know
I can't tell anybody else.

If you know anything, and
I think the first person

that I go to is Gangie.

- Awesome.
- Because of what happened

the other night.

- Mm.

- [Raph] And try to get-
- Cool, cool.

I want an insight check
from Gangie, and I want a...

Actually no persuasion check
needed here, Father Prescott,

and are you going just to Gangie?

'Cause I think right now this
is all happening very quickly,

so you walk over to Gangie.

Gangie, give me an insight check.

- 22.

- 22, I think you see Father
Prescott walking to you,

and I think you can tell...

I think with a 22 insight check,

that's high enough for you to know

that the vicar and the squire

were at odds and not very close.

So you don't think that the
vicar's coming over here

to like pin this all on you.

You think he's coming
over possibly to help.

- Yes.

- So Vicar, you move across
the room to be with Gangie

at the far side of the room.

We're gonna go next in the
initiative order to Daisy.

- Yes, so I've rushed in here

and I see that Vicar Ian
has gathered everyone,

and I wanna see if they're
all distracted enough

that I can do a little investigation.

Buckster and I have theorized
that there has to be

some sort of secret
passageway or something.

This room that Squire Badger died in

has one door into it and
that seems unlikely to us.

So I wanna see if we can
investigate something like that.

- Rekha.

- No.

- Go ahead-
- Oh, okay.

- You absolutely can.

If you are doing-
- Um, Rekha?


- That's demented!

- No, I love this.

Well, as you can see, very
quickly in this moment...

So I think for right now,

go ahead, give me your investigation roll.

- Yeah.

- If you want to get
into the room to do it.

- Yeah.

- If you want to get
into the room to do it,

that might be a little bit hard.

- Okay.
- But, but,

I think you are looking for
something very specific,

so I will let you roll with advantage.

- Okay.

- But if you're not in the room looking,

you'll be rolling with disadvantage,

which will cancel each other out.

So in other words, you can
just give me a straight roll

if you wanna stay
outside and just look in.

- Yeah.

- Or you can try to get into the room

to get an advantage on
your investigation check.

- I think I'll just try to
stay outside and look in,

because I have pretty good investigation,

and I'm a bad roller.
- Sure, sure, sure.

I also want to let you
guys know something,

I'm gonna just set our,

there's gonna be a ton of
investigation checks here.

- Okay.
- So the way this is gonna,

just throughout this campaign, shocker,

it's a murder mystery,

you're gonna be using your
investigation skill a lot.

But for our purposes,

the DCs that I'm gonna be setting,

just to keep things
fair for the most part,

as we move forward, are...
think of it as a DC of 15

is kind of like bronze medal information.

DC20 is silver medal information,

DC25 is gold medal information.

So as long as you clear a
15, you'll get something,

but you're hoping to get that 25.

- Okay, terrific.

- Go ahead and give me
that investigation roll.

(dramatic music)

- Guys, this is a murder mystery?

- Nat one!

What's my modifier, 10?

- Was that nat one?

- (laughs)

- Oh my god.
- Plus my modifier 10.

- Oh no!

- Daisy, a little help here!

- Character-wise, I believe
that Sylvester in her life

makes her a bad investigator,
and this is partially why

she had to abandon him,
she could not be herself

around him, she was instead just in love.

- I really like that.

- That's nice.

- Character development.

- And that's why you f*cking suck, Grant!

- That's really good
justification of your sh*tty roll.

(all laughing)

- It makes sense.

I like it.
- Oh my god.

- That's why you're rolling
so sh*tty and kind of tanking.

- Oh, it's sweet instead of sad.

- Incredible, however, Rekha,
could you read the text

on your investigator
feat from your ability?

'Cause we homebrewed
the investigator feat,

and I think there's only
two characters that have

the investigator feat here.
- Okay.

- But rolling a nat one on this
is not the end of the world

as you read that ability
on your investigator feat.

- Feat, investigator, you
can take the search action

as a bonus action,

you may re-roll a failed
investigation check

after taking a short rest.

If this re-roll check fails,
you may not re-roll it again.

- Cool, so the two
characters that have this

are Daisy and Sylvester,
so even a failed roll

it means that, like, you may
need time to find another clue

or come back later and do something else.

Also I will say this, even on a nat one,

it might occur to Daisy,

looking for a secret door in that room

seems like it would be hard for you

to maybe get in that room
with plausible deniability,

it's a very small room,

there's a murder that just happened there.

However, let me ask Daisy a question.

Are doors only ever in one room?

- No.

- By definition, doors are often in two.

- Exactly.

- Cool, so...

It was all worth it
for that face on Grant.

Every part of what I
just said is worth it.

- I liked it!

(Brennan laughing)

Wait a minute!
- My god, he's right

doors are always

in two rooms!
- Oh, god!

- So, going along the initiative, Gangie,

it is your turn, Father Ian
has just approached you.

- So that intrigues me, but
then also the Daisy thing

intrigues me because I've just come from,

like, my own path in the house.

- Yes, and you've seen-
- which makes me think

that I can help Daisy,

'cause I might know where everything is.

- Yes, actually, can you two guys

each make insight checks?

- Yes, anything to do something
and not roll a nat one.

- I got a 21.

- I got an 11.

- 21, Rekha, I'm so sorry.

- Rekha, I don't know what's happening!

- I have that effect, what can I say?

- Get out of here!

- Rekha, I would also like to
ask for a perception check,

if I would be so kind.

- Yeah, what is it gonna be, a zero?

Okay, 15.

- Cool, I will say this.

Gangie was outside and
got clocked by Lars.

Other than that, Gangie was
not in the banquet hall,

wasn't in the dining
room, you've been, like,

hanging to the servants' quarters mostly.

Daisy, this is your first
time seeing Gangie Green here.

And let me remind you, Gangie Green

worked for the Cottonbottom
family as a young man.

Now, Daisy was certainly not a minion

of the Cottonbottom family,
but I also seem to recall

from Daisy's backstory,
Rekha, that Daisy was happy

to let as many people as possible

think that she was working for them.

- Yes.

- Is there a possibility
that Daisy and Gangie

ever crossed paths back in the day?

- Absolutely.

- Mm-hmm.

I firmly believe, yeah,
Daisy has maybe not used

the Cottonbottoms as her
only loyalty or whatever,

but she has certainly done
some work for them in her past.

- So this, like,

sort of London dockside gutter criminal

and this high society,
international espionage criminal,

you guys have definitely crossed
paths in your lines of work

though many people don't
know it because your circles

were so different, you guys
lock eyes across the room.

With that 22 insight Gangie just rolled,

I think Daisy can probably
communicate something

just with a look to Gangie in this moment,

if she wants to, about what's going on.

- Mm-hm, I think what
I wanna communicate is,

what are the other ways into this room.

- Hell yes.

Gangie, you don't know of one firsthand,

but it is your turn, you look at Daisy.

You can either physically
go to go and try and search,

or I will let you make an
intelligence roll with advantage.

- I'll do that.

- Cool, give me an intelligence
roll with advantage.

- Nine. I did very badly.
- Nine, cool, no worries.

Awesome, so in other words,
you don't know of a secret door

into the study, but you
could go look for one.

We're gonna move on from
Gangie's turn to Buckster.

- Cool, Brennan, just to
throw myself a little bit

into the action, is this
completely unreasonable?

Feel free to shut me down.

That like once I realized

that I was not in
imminent physical danger,

I've had my ear up against the room,

like looking for an opportune
time to like waltz in.

- Absolutely.

- Or am I still in hiding?

- No, I'm gonna let you
absolutely throw yourself

into the action.

If you are listening, I'm
gonna say either give me

a perception check so that
you can actually glean

what is being said and
done in the other room

or you can give me an insight check,

which maybe won't give
you tactical information,

but will maybe let you arrive

at some other kinds of conclusions.

- Cool, cool, cool.

So am I, at this point, do I not know

that there's a dead
body in the other room?

- You heard a scream and a
fall, I don't think you know

there's a dead body in the other room.

- Okay, cool, all right.

Yeah, so I think in that case, yeah.

Maybe I've come like down
the stairs through the hall,

so I'm like here,

I'm like outside the
door to the drawing room.

- Hell yeah, perfect.

- And I have my ear
pressed against the door

to see what's going on.

And should I roll insight?

Does that make sense?

- Insight, if you're interested
in, like the social aspect

and personal aspect of what's going on,

perception if you're in
like tactical things,

like what is being said,
what is being done.

- Okay, I'll do perception.

- Cool, do perception.

- That is a 17.

- 17.

You hear gasps and whispers.
(crowd gasping)

You hear Dr. Magpie running over

to the just fainted Lady Lucretia.

All eyes are on Sylvester right now,

and this has all happened
sort of in a moment.

As you crouch down to listen,

your hand grazes your ankle.

Your ankle knife is missing.

- No!
(group gasping)

- Oh!
- Well.

This just went from bad to bad bad bad.

(all laughing)

- That's how the saying goes!

- When God closes every single door.

(all laughing)

- Out of the pot and into the pot pot pot.

- Incredible, next in
the initiative order,

we are gonna to Lars.

- Okay.

The way that it looks on Roll20,

is that where we all are right now?

- Yes, correct.

- Okay, so then I think I'm
gonna run to be by Sylvester

in that room.

- [Brennan] Hell yeah, cool cool cool,

go for it.
- As the muscle.

Am I able to pass Ambrose Harding?

- Yes, you are able to pass
Ambrose Harding, absolutely.

- Okay, great, so I wanna be in the room.

- [Brennan] Cool.

- And ready...

You know, actually, I know my religion is,

it's not good.

- Sure.

- But can I roll a religion
check to be able to see

the ghost that Lady Lucretia...

just of one of the many
ghosts, and ask it something?

- Give me a religion check right now.

- Okay.

Got a minus one,

- Mm-hm, mm-hm mm-hm.

- That's a six.

That's a six.

- Oh, well.

- Lars.

- Mm-hm.

- We're gonna go into Sylvester's turn,

but I think Lars is putting
this together in their head.

This is a study with one door into it,

the only people of which
were Squire Brockhollow

and his motherly, ancient, not very strong

mole housekeeper.

Objects in the room have
been scattered around,

obviously not by hand,

and Mrs. Molesly is crying and saying

that Squire Badger stabbed
himself to death in the heart.

Lars knows that ghosts are real.

You saw the ghost of Fletcher Cottonbottom

outside by the river.

There is no other explanation for this

other than the supernatural.

Grant's smile.

Sylvester Cross, it is your turn.

A crowd has gathered outside the door.

You are visible in the room, in the study,

you've just rushed in

and Squire Brockhollow is freshly dead.

We are actually going to,
on your turn Sylvester,

we're going to come out of initiative

because almost everybody
else is just waiting

to see what you are going to do.

- I don't blame them.

(Brennan laughing)

- Sylvester, you see the
crowd, you see the body,

what is it that you do?

- So I think the first two
things that Sylvester Cross

would do are two sort
of by the book deals.

I think Sylvester Cross knows
that these first two steps

aren't going to crack the
case, but they have to be done.

So I think the first thing
I would do is ask Lars

to secure the entrances and exits.

- Yes.

- At which point I would say,

"My good man, the doors."

- On it.

(all laughing)

I get into, like, I have a purpose mode.

I'm really thinking about ghosts

and how much I know about them,

but I don't wanna steal his glory,

so I'm like, on it, and I
run to the door and just go.

- Now, then I think the second
thing that Sylvester would do

is investigate Mrs. Molesly,

knowing that Mrs. Molesly
is probably not who it is,

but you have to start
going down your checklist

and like, ruling things out.

- Awesome, here's the fun thing, too.

Because you have the investigator feat,

you can do an investigation
check as a bonus action,

'cause you see that the
crowd is looking at you

along with Ambrose
Harding, who's at the door,

you see that Mr. Gilfoyle comes up.

You tell Lars to secure the exits.

Do you do anything to address the crowd

that has gathered here?

- Ladies and gentlemen,
ladies and gentlemen, please.

A bit of quiet, please stop
the music, stop the music.

- You hear the scratch of the phonograph

coming off the disc.
(record scratches)

Mr. Gilfoyle, the butler, rushes in.

Lars goes to the door.

Lars, as you open the door,

you see Buckster crouching
outside the door.

You see Mr. Harding is
looking with a look of, like,

shock and panic, and Mr.
Gilfoyle looks up and says,

"What the devil is this? Mr. Cross!"

- The devil had nothing to do with it.

Now before anyone jumps
to any conclusions,

I will remind each and every one of you

that there is no such thing as ghosts.

- A scream goes up from the room.

(Brennan screaming)
(crowd screaming)

(all laughing)

- I start apologizing to the ghosts.

(all laughing)

He didn't mean it.

- Right, and I think
immediately, Sylvester

you look in the room and
see that everyone's arriving

at two conclusions right away.

These are not scientists,
these are not people

that are comfortable in a
crisis with not knowing.

These are not people
that have the training

to just exist in uncertainty.

Half the room has gone,
the spirits of the dead,

Mrs. Molesly is correct,

something has possessed Squire Badger.

The other half of the room is going,

Mrs. Molesly just killed Squire Badger.

So, you say that.

Go ahead and give me
your investigation check,

because I think...

Give me your investigation check to see

how much you can glean,
and we're gonna again go

bronze medal, silver
medal, 15, 20, 25, yeah.

- I didn't use my action, can
I give him the help action

for advantage on this?

- Hell yeah, your trusted
companion Lars is there

doing exactly that,

so you can roll with
advantage on this one.

- Nat 20 plus nine, 29.
- Oh my god!

- No way!
- What?

- I'm the world's best detective.

- And apparently especially in a clutch!

- Yeah, don't f*ck with me.

- I'm checking my notes

and that means Sylvester
gets to f*ck the clues.

(all laughing)

- Ms. Molesly!

- Ew!

- I'm gonna f*ck that old lady.

Brennan, is that right?

- Yes, you get to f*ck Mrs. Molesly now.

- Great, good good.

Sylvester does.

- Yes yes yes.

No no, Grant O'Brien.

(Grant licks each of his fingers
individually, for reasons)

I'm going to narrate
most of what you find,

but on a nat 20, I'm also
gonna text you, Grant,

a secret thing you find out.

- Unfair.
- Stop it!

- Text me too!

- Yeah, I want it.
- I'm so proud.

- Roll a 20!
- I'm so proud!

- Get it!
- Hey, Grant shut up!

- You're all welcome-
- Grant, I will never, okay?

- Grant, can I just bribe
you for whatever this is?

- Yeah, Sam, yes.

- Okay, hold on, I am going to.

Holy sh*t, okay nat 20.

- Nat 20.
- Oh, I'm f*cked.

I'm absolutely f*cked.
- Bye bye! bye bye!

- Hold on, all right Grant

I'm gonna text you some
stuff real quick, hold on.

- It's been a great season, guys.

A little short.

- Extremely short!
- But you know what,

we got to honor the dice,
we got to honor the dice.

- That's right!
- I think we should lie.

- Brennan lies to me via text.

- Truly incredible.

- Brennan texts you, "You killed him."


- Oh, interesting, interesting.

- Huh.

- Oh, weird.

- I was drinking, okay, well.

- Okay, so Grant, I've just
sent you the biggest clue

via text that you will be able to drop.

I'm gonna tell you everything else.

All of this you notice

with a cursory glance of your keen eyes

as you are instructing
the room to stay calm.

On a nat 20, I am going to
tell you literally everything,


everything in this room.

- Rekha and I queuing up our notes.

- Mrs. Molesly's hands
are covered in blood.

You immediately know that Mrs. Molesly

couldn't have done this.

You know that first and foremost
as a matter of character.

You know a murderer at this point.

You know a murderer at this
point, and despite the fact

that she's the only person in
the room with Squire Badger.

So what you're seeing everyone
else go through right now is,

either ghosts did this.

- Mm-hm.

- Or Mrs. Molesly had to
have killed Squire Badger.

- And I know both those
things aren't true.

- And you know both
those things aren't true.

You are seeing an enormous

open wound...

in Squire Badger's chest,

and you are noticing that it is messy.

You can immediately tell that the knife

in Squire Badger's hand is
in the grip facing down,

how one would have used
it to stab oneself.

Sorry, let me reverse that.

It is in the grip out
like this in his hand.

Now, if one were going to commit suicide

with a plunging motion, one
would have reversed the blade

to go in like that.

This grip indicates to you precision,

and the wound to you looks
messy in Squire Badger's chest.

You see on the table a
piece of paper that says,

that has the words, in
Squire Badger's handwriting,

"Sylvester Cross, I am afraid."

- Ooh!

- There's so many clues,
there are so many clues.

I only wanted to give
you a fraction of these.

There's so many clues in this room.

- I'm so sorry, bad news, baby, bring 'em.

(Grant makes noises/hand motions
indicating noticing clues)

(Brennan whooshing)

- The messiness of the wound

is in stark contrast to
the sharpness of the blade.

You are able to see the
sharpness of the blade

from this point, because you know

that this blade has never been used.

You can spot it from right here before.

He is holding a hunting knife

with a prairie pronghorn bone handle.

A pronghorn is a species
you're familiar with.

Not a lot of pronghorns running around

in the English countryside out here.

- Gosh, but there are a lot in Texas.

- Well, this is now bad bad bad bad bad.

- This went from bad bad
bad to bad bad bad bad bad.

- Grant, God, there are
so many clues, okay.

You also see that items are
scattered away from the desk,

a ton of items, however, your
immediate thought would be

was there a concussion or a blast,

because you immediately
clock the scatter of items

is circular, because you
notice that none of the things

on the shelves scattered into the room.

If it was thunder or an
earthquake, something like that,

there would be a general shaking.

Instead, the only movement
you see of objects

is things that were on the desk scattering

away from the desk
further out into the room.

However, it is not uniform across objects.

There is a stone bust on the desk

of a Roman emperor, Barkus Aurelius.

(Grant and Brennan laughing)

- Good.

- On the desk.

What you immediately notice is this.

That's stone, so it not moving
kind of makes sense to you.

However, everything else

on this desk has a slight
layer of dust in it

that is a sort of like,

has a slight tinge

of a sort of charcoal to
it, usually because the door

to the study is left open
when there's not company

from ash coming in from the fireplace.

And I'm gonna send you what
this quality of the dust

on the bust is over text as well.

- I think I know!

But that's, who's to say.

Now, can I ask a question-
- Yes, you can.

- About that piece of paper.

- Yes.

- Tell me again where it is.

- It is on the desk.
- Okay.

- Facing the chair where Squire Badger

must have been writing it.


- You guys.

- What, stop it!

- The information.

- Okay, second text, talking
to you about the nature

of the dust on the bust of
Barkus Aurelius on the desk.

You also immediately clock that this desk

has been bolted to the floor,

and is a giant, massive,
resolute desk style desk,

meaning that there's only a
little carve out for a chair,

otherwise the desk is
fully flush to the floor

with no ability to see
under it in most places.

You smell a faint smell of
ozone, a crackling in the air.

- Mm-hmm.

- The objects that are on the
desk that are not scattered

are books, the bust,
paper isn't scattered.

However, on the ground,
scattered all around here,

a fountain pen, magnifying
glass, you see that there's

a series of small little,
like, metallic bindings

that are scattered all over the room.

You pause for a moment
on a silver picture frame

which confuses you for
a moment, until you see

that there are some iron screws
in it that are like fixings

or hangings, that is like
scattered on the ground,

but otherwise books and busts,

other things of that
nature are not scattered.

You look at...

I'm gonna allow that

because you're proficient
in medicine, right?

- Yes.

- You see Mrs. Molesly, her
pupils are rapidly dilating.

- Mm-hm.

- Back and forth, and I'm going to-

- Big mole eyes.

- Yes, her pupils are rapidly dilating.

God, there's so many f*cking clues,

I did not wanna give you
all of these, f*ck, f*ck!

- Too bad now you're screwed, baby.

- Hold on, okay.

(message alert dings)

In any case...

(Grant gasps)

So, ba ba bum.

Trying to see if there's
anything else here.

Hold on, hold on.

- Let's the rest of us start
a text chain without them.

- Yeah, really, well here are some secrets

that I know about Grant.

- Cool, okay, buh buh buh..
(message alert dings)

Let me see if there's anything.

I'm trying to just look
over my notes real quick.

So you have Mrs. Molesly, pupils
rapidly dilating, weeping.

You see, desk, Barkus Aurelius.

Again, you notice this scatter of objects.

Again, it looks like
a self-inflicted wound

in Squire Badger's heart.

You can see this, like, knife messily...

But again, it is weird that
he's in a precision position

and there's a mess in his own chest.

Clearly a self-inflicted wound,

and with all these scattered
objects, that you notice,

again, are scattered in
a particular pattern.

There is a concentric circle,
but not every object was flung

as it would be from a
blast of concussive force.

Mrs. Molesly's pupils are dilating, blood,

you see the pronghorn-handled,
antler-handled knife,

"Sylvester Cross, I am
afraid," on the piece of paper.

Okay, that's a ton of stuff.

If there's more later,
I'll give it to you later.

That's everything, I'm
looking over my notes.

Yeah, that's everything for right now.

I will say on a nat 20
as well, you also know

what you don't know, which
I texted you a little bit.

There are certain things that
you would need to interact

with stuff to learn more, one
of them I've just texted you,

the other one is of course,
Squire Badger's body,

which you definitely know there's
more information in there,

but you would have to go
about the medical procedure

of actually looking into that.

All of this sh*t is what
you are able to find

(clicks fingers)

in the span of a fraction of a second

as you glance around the room

and are speaking to everybody else.

Mr. Gilfoyle looks at you and says,

"Detective, should we send
Mr. Padhop to go alert

the constabulary at once and
get His Majesty's police here?"

- No, Mr. Gilfoyle, we mustn't.

I need everyone in the room

to remain exactly where they are.

I do hope that everyone had
their fill of food and drink

earlier this evening,
because for the time being,

unfortunately I'm gonna have
to ask everyone to stay.

There has been a murder.
(thunder booming)

And no one is allowed to leave.

- I run and grab just the
biggest stack of chairs,

I can just like throw them all together

and I, like, put them out
so that everyone has to sit.

- What if I'm already on
the other side of the door?

Does that mean that I have
left, can continue leaving?

- I drag you in.
- When I said no one's allowed

to leave, what I really mean is,

no one's allowed to leave the manor.

Everyone must remain, but...

Hey, for the sake of story, sure, why not,

you can all roam around the house.


- Okay, so what is the instruction?

- You see Mr. Gilfoyle nods and says,

"Very well, nobody's allowed to leave."

He looks to you, Sylvester, and says,

"I shall make a call on the
squire's private telephone

to the local constabulary
to see if the can arrive

to help us ensure safety."

You see Mr. Gilfoyle
darts out of the room.

Colonel Hawkins looks over
and says, "Good heavens!"

Jeremy is holding Constance, who screams.

Constance runs over and says, "My father!

Who could have done this?"

You see Jeremy looks
up and looks and says,

"Mrs. Molesly, what on
earth have you done?"

You see they look over
and Colonel Hawkins says,

"Who all was in the room, Mr. Harding!"

You see that Mr. Harding says,

"I am

afraid that the only two
people in the room...

I was standing by the door
to allow Squire Badger

to have a private conversation
with Mrs. Molesly."

Mrs. Molesly looks up and says,

"I could, I promise it wasn't me.

I would never, I would never have."

You see that Mr. Harding says,

"What was the manner of your discussion?"

Mrs. Molesly looks up,
tears in her eyes, and says,

"His Lordship told me
that I was to be let go

from the staff,

and that he promised me
a small sum of money."

Gasp goes up from the room,
and you see Colonel Hawkins

narrows his eyes and says, "Oh, I see.

So you expect us to believe
that the last woman in the room

was promised a large sum of money

before a poltergeist
shattered the room to bits

and he stabbed himself to
death with a penknife?"

You see that everyone
gasps, and she looks around,

realizing that the walls
are closing in around her.

She says, "It's true, I didn't!

I would never wish to leave
the service of Loam Hall,

but he did, he promised
me a small sum of money

in my old age to live off of."

At this moment, I'm gonna
check in with everybody else.

What is everybody else doing?

Lars, you found Buckster
crouching outside the door.

What is your interaction happening here?

- I grab Buckster up and I bring him...

I bring him in to talk to Sylvester.

- Cool, Buckster-

- You pick up a whole pig!

- I'm just dangling by your fist.

- I grab behind your
neck with my teeth, yeah.

- Yeah, like a puppy.

- Buckster, you walk in.

You walk past Daisy and
see Gangie and Vicar Ian

up at the north side of the room.

But Buckster is marched in,
Lars, you drop him down.

Everyone looks over, you see
Jeremy looks up and says,

"Sergeant Vandenchomp,
what's the meaning of this?"

- I found this person outside
the door, sneaking about.

- You see Mr. Harding looks up and says,

"Outside the door?

Mr. Boyd...

why were you waiting outside the room

instead of coming in?"

- Listen, God's honest
truth, I heard screams,

I got scared, I hid.

I wasn't anywhere near this incident!

And if I've got my bearings about me,

this is the first time
I'm seeing a dead body!

- Yeah, Buckster, this is not good.

You go ahead and tell me what kind of roll

you are trying to make right
now, 'cause you were crouching

outside the door, you've
been dragged in here.

What kind of roll are
you attempting to make

with your speech to the
crowd in this moment?

- I think that, you know, in rare style,

Buckster, like I said earlier,
despite all of his charisma

is in fact a coward, and is
terrified at this moment,

and so is being honest,
so I think it's either

a charisma check as he
tries to convince everybody

that he had nothing to do with this,

or actually, you tell me.

- Go ahead and give me either
persuasion or deception,

depending on how you feel

about the information you're relaying.

- Cool.

- Let me know what the
roll is and I'm gonna say

do it with disadvantage,
'cause you're panicky,

you just got dragged in here,

which is not a good way
to make an entrance.

- Cool, cool.

Six one way half dozen of the
other, let's say persuasion,

since it's a rare moment
of honesty from me.

- Cool, cool.

- Okay, first one was a 24.

- Ooh!
- I have a plus eight here.

- Oh no.
- Second was a 27.

- Wow!
- Oh my god!

- The lower of the two rolls is a 24.

Buckster, you summon your
natural cowardice to the fore,

as you say, and for the
moment, fears are allayed,

mostly because again,

you see Mr. Harding looks over and says,

"Very well, Mr. Boyd, calm yourself.

I know that it is a trying time.

I will say this, I was
standing at the door.

It could have been no one
else other than Mrs. Molesly."

Colonel Hawkins says,
"I was by the fireplace,

discussing the goings on of the day

with Professor Shellcrest, and
they can tell you as much."

You see Lady Tabitha, Lady Calliope say,

"And the both of us were
sitting on the sofa.

We can attest that the
professor and the colonel

were both in the corner
discussing matters."

So Lars has marched Buckster in here,

who is in a spotlight that
you can tell is not very good.

Are you making any perception
checks to look around

as this is happening,

now that you're in the
room for the first time?

- Yeah, I think despite my panic,

if there's one thing
that Buckster is good at,

it's behaving one way,
playing another way.

He's a Gemini, just so you know.

- Checks out.
- Master of the two faces.

- Makes sense, okay, got it now.

- So I think in being accused,

if I could also roll a
perception check on Harding

to see whether or not these
accusations that he's hurling

at Molesly are a deflection or not.

- Give me an insight check into Harding.

- Cool I don't trust this guy.

- Harding.

- That's a natural one.

- Oh!

- Well, you're no help at all.

- A Rekha roll!
- Harding, hold on.

(playful music)

You are not gonna f*cking believe this.

I just rolled a natural one.

- Yeah!

- What does that mean?

- Okay, I'm gonna say that's a re-roll.

I'm gonna say that each of you

getting a natural one is a re-roll.

- Amazing.

- Roll insight again.

- What'd you get?
- Oh no, Sam.

- Another natural one!
- Samuel!

- Right when it counts.

- Oh no.

So you look at Mr. Harding.

You see Mr. Harding gives you a look

that you can tell is sort
of like a trustworthy look.

I don't think Buckster suspects
Harding in this moment,

and you may even be like, ooh, is there...

I think you may see Harding

as like a little bit of a
stooge, like pliable, perhaps.

He's an old, slow turtle man.

For the vicar and Gangie

up at the top of the
room, you see Buckster

get marched in here, and for
Daisy at the bottom of the room

as well, near Buckster now,
are there any further actions

now that the manor has been locked down?

And Lars, I'm gonna say that
you're staying near the door

and keeping an eye on the
front door to prevent anybody

from being able to
leave, I imagine, right?

Cool, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Question, you said I was near Buckster?

I'm in, like, the bigger
room, I don't think I'm in-

- [Brennan] You're in the drawing room,

you're not in the study, yeah, absolutely.

- Okay, cool, cool.


I have things that I don't know

how to accomplish, necessarily.

Can I just, like, list
a couple of those things

to see if they're doable?
- Yes, go for it.

Yeah yeah yeah, absolutely.
- Okay.

I wonder, has this note been read aloud?

It has been, right?

- Which note?

- The note on the desk.

- Actually, the only people
in here that could see it

right now are Sylvester and Mrs. Molesly,

and Mrs. Molesly's
eyesight is not that keen.

- It's bad! okay, cool, then
I won't ask about the note.

But I do have a thought about that.

Let's work all together.

I wonder, because the
note says, "I am afraid."

Is that cut off mid-sentence,
or is that the whole sentence?

- I am afraid, blah blah
blah, or I am afraid period.

- I wonder, because one of those to me

is like an interruption of like,
someone came and killed you

while you were writing something,

and one of them is like a suicide note.

Okay, that's my first thought

that I'll just throw to everybody.

- It's almost perfectly vague.

- Aaaah!
(all laughing)

- You stupid little devil.

- What even kind of mic is that?

(all laughing)

- Where did that come from?
- That's Brennan's snark mic.

- That was like a Howard Stern-ass.

- It's called a snark mic.

- My other thought, I don't
know what this study looks like

at all, right, 'cause I
haven't been in there?

- You haven't been in there.

I would say go ahead and give me

a perception check with disadvantage.

- Okay, I mean, you might
as well just let me do

without anything,
because I'll roll poorly.

Okay, 17.

- Okay.

- And then my second one is 20.

- Okay, 17.

17's not bad.

You look into the room.

I'm gonna say because you are reading

an upside down piece of writing

from 30 feet away at a slant on the desk,

you don't clock the second part

but you do see the name Sylvester
Cross on a piece of paper,

and know that Sylvester didn't write it.

- Okay.

Wow, I see Sylvester Cross

is making more than one person obsessed.

(Brennan laughing)

- Incredible.

Gangie, what are you up to in
this little window of time?

- I have lots of thoughts.

- Hell yeah.

- So Mrs. Molesly's dilating eyes.

- Yeah huh?

- What did she see, even
though her eyesight is bad?

Something happened with the
lights to make her eyes dilate.

- What, indeed!

- Yes and then so that's my first thought.

Second thought, I remember
that Harding and Gilfoyle

were talking earlier, I
assumed it was about me,

but maybe it was about Cottonbottom,

when they were saying earlier
that they didn't trust

this person, but, however,
Squire Badger did.

- That's a really good point.
- Yeah.

- And I assumed it was about
me, but perhaps it's not.

Perhaps they were all in
on something with them.

So I think that for my
action, I would want...

Do I do a little action?

- Yeah, Gangie can absolutely do something

right now, for sure.

- I wanna focus my
attention on Mrs. Molesly.

- Awesome.

So Gangie, do you wanna go into the study?

- Yes.

- So you stride forward and
join Sylvester in the study.

People look at you doing so.

You walk in and see Mrs.
Molesly look up at you

through her co*ke bottle glasses, crying.

She looks up at you,
with blood on her hands

of the man that she pretty much raised,

and looks up and says, "Mr.
Green, what have I done?

I don't, I didn't, I..."

- I don't think you did it.

I don't think you did it.

- You guys see Mr. Gilfoyle returns

in from where the telephone is and says,

"I shouldn't think you would, Mr. Green."

And sort of glares at you.
- The f*ck does that mean?

- You see that he sort of
glares imperiously and says,

"I think you know," and leaves it at that.

Ian, what is the vicar doing
in this moment, if anything?

- I think, am I able to,
like, bless Sylvester

on his quest to solve this?

- You can go over and
bless Sylvester right now.

For those watching at home,
our dear vicar is a bard,

but all of his abilities are emotional

rather than supernatural,
so the Bless spell

is just actually a piece of encouragement.

- That's nice.

- Vicar, you can absolutely...

Tonight has not been great for you,

but you are still a priest and
no one's gonna question you

walking into a room literally
with a dead body in it

to go and administer
to whatever's going on.

Gangie, you at the door look...

Go ahead and give me an
insight check real quick,

and do it with advantage, actually.

- 22.

- Ooh!

You look at Mrs. Molesly.

With a 22 insight, you can
see that she's confused.

- At this point, I give her a hug.

- Aww.
- She returns the hug to you,

and I'm going to...

I'm actually gonna say what Gangie says,

because I think this is
emotionally important

for people to know in terms
of Mrs. Molesly at the moment.

You look at her, you are
not a gentleman detective.

However, your ability...

So you are not a world class investigator,

but as a criminal, you are world class

in terms of your insight into people.

In fact, Gangie actually
has the highest wisdom

of any character in the party.

You have not survived to
the ripe old age of 55

as a violent criminal

without being able to
read people pretty well.

You look at Mrs. Molesly
and can tell two things.

She believes that something
haunted happened here.

She believes in ghosts, she believes that,

and you know that she saw Squire Badger

stabbing himself in the chest.

You also know that Mrs.
Molesly is frightened,

because she...

There's something about her that,

when people say she did something,

she doesn't disbelieve
them in the way that like,

you would or someone else
would, and that something about

missing little patches
of time isn't something

that Mrs. Molesly would
necessarily disbelieve.

So when people are
accusing her of something,

you can tell that she's
frightened in a way that,

if someone accused you of
doing something you didn't do,

you would be like, I didn't
do it, I'm not worried

about that at all, that's a lie.

- Yeah.

- Mrs. Molesly, you see,

doesn't have that same
confidence for some reason,

and you see that in this moment.

You see that at this moment,

Jeremy Brockhollow speaks up and says,

"All right, everyone calm down at once.

No one is to leave.

Please see that Sergeant
Vandenchomp has all the assistance

that they require in
securing the perimeter.

Mr. Gilfoyle, you've alerted
the constabulary, yes?"

You see he says, "Local
constables have been alerted.

Your," and here he looks saddened, like,

"Your Lordship," and you
see that, yes indeed,

'cause Constance and Jeremy are now

sort of the lord and lady of the manor,

in the death of-
- Yeah!

- New Squire Badger.

- Yes, absolutely.

By the way, just for everyone to know,

the reason it's passed to Jeremy

isn't because it would've been impossible

for Constance not to inherit
it but you know that Constance

has actually had a lot of
writings about disavowing herself

from the landed gentry
and she married a commoner

and is like involved in
political stuff in London.

So you see that Jeremy
sort of speaks up and goes,

"We have the world's
greatest detective here,

but I don't think it takes
the world's greatest detective

to understand what has happened here."

And Sylvester, you see
Jeremy meets your eyes

with kind of the haunted look
of like, you and I both know

that Mrs. Molesly has done this.

Sylvester, Ian walks up to you.

Ian, what do you say as
you approach Sylvester?

- Sylvester, as the most
knowledgeable here about

such heinous things,

the Lord has clearly brought
you here for a purpose.

You being here brings me great comfort,

and I want you to know that
you have the Lord on your side.

What exactly is it that you're
thinking in this moment?

- I have three thoughts at the moment,

and the first is one of deep gratitude

that you're here with me
on this terrible evening.

It's nice to have someone
that I know that I can trust.

- Same, likewise.
- My second thought is,

unfortunately, vicar, I
can't let you leave either,

because my third thought is,

there's not a person at this
party that wouldn't have motive

to see William Thornwall Brockhollow dead.


- Gasp goes up.

- Now, and I've got a whole
f*cking thing I want to do here.

- Go for it, go for it.
- So stop me when it's time.

- Cool, the Bless spell is cast on you,

so any rolls you make
during this next portion,

you will add one d4 to
whatever it is that you roll.

- Okay.

- You got a 29 on your-

- On my investigation.
- On your investigation, cool.

I'm gonna turn it over
to you in one second.

As we do, Raph, go ahead and
roll a history check for me,

if you'd be so kind.

- Aww, 17.

- Cool, cool.

I'm gonna send you a little thing.

(Grant laughing)

- What?

- I just love the little secret clues.

- Secrets?

I want secrets.
- We already established

Grant cannot keep a secret.

- I want just one secret.

- Hey Brennan, let me just
give you Raph's phone number.

It's 347...

(all laughing)

- Katie, I'm actually also
going to send you something.

- Yes!

- Let me just give you
Katie's phone number.

It's 347...

- No!

How do you have my number memorized, Sam?

f*cking weirdo.

- Oh, Sam!

- I would love it if Sam

just said his whole number right now.

- Cool, Sylvester.

Sylvester Cross, take it away.

- Ladies and gentlemen, I understand

that Mrs. Molesly appears quite guilty.

Why, to just about anyone, a
sealed room and bloodied hands

do indicate guilt, and Mrs.
Molesly, I'm afraid to say

that you, too, have motive
to see the squire dead.

(Brennan whimpers)

- She leans into Gangie at this moment.

Colonel Hawkins nods his head.

Jeremy looks totally shaken,

Constance is just like,
falling into her own mind.

- I pipe up quietly and say,

actually, he's not the squire any longer.

I made this mistake earlier.

Squire Badger is a term we use
to describe the current one,

which is now Jeremy.

Please go on, detective.

- I got righteously beaten for it.


- Incredible, Sylvester.

- Quite, I should like to
send for two party guests

at the moment if I may.

I would like to see...

Dr. Corbin Magpie,

(Brennan gasps)

famed physician, and
Mr. Lawrence Longfoot,

reporter of some renown,
here in the study.

- You see both of them
are already in the study.

- Ah, wonderful!

- They're already in the drawing room.

Dr. Magpie is standing by Constance.

Lawrence Longfoot is
at the back of the room

near the fireplace.

- Yes, ah, quite, quite.

Hello again, good to see everyone.

I've cleaned my glasses, there you are.

- They both step up to
the front of the room.

Dr. Magpie looks at you, nods his head.

Mr. Longfoot looks very curious

about why you've invited him
up to the front of the room.

- Well, Mr. Longfoot,
you have a reputation

as a bit of a muckraker but I dare say

you know how to take a
photograph of yours truly,

and I do look quite handsome
in all of your pictures.

I wonder, would you do me the
service of taking a photograph

of Mrs. Molesly and I right now?

- Everyone gasps at sort of
the gaucheness of all this.

Everybody sort of gasps
at how gauche this is,

and you see Mr. Longfoot
says, "I mean, listen,

I'm sort of classless, but this is all...

All right, whatever you say."

Takes out the bulb, boom.

(bulb flashes)

The bulb goes off and Mrs. Molesly...

(babbling dazedly)

Wobbles on her feet, and her eyes go wide,

and she just sort of wobbles
there for about 30 seconds.

You see that Colonel Hawkins says,

"What the devil is the
meaning of this, Cross?

Photo opportunity while a man's body

still lies warm on the floor?"

- No better opportunity that I've seen.

Dr. Magpie, I wonder
if you would be so kind

as to illuminate the room as
to the symptoms of epilepsy.

- You see that Dr. Magpie sort
of furrows his brow and says,

"Well, epilepsy occurs across all animals,

all animal species in the world.

But perhaps in none more so than moles.

Their eyesight-"

- Large eyes, delicate nervous systems.

- You see that he goes and says,

"Mrs. Molesly, might I
remove your glasses?"

And Mrs. Molesly doesn't answer.

There's a long pause,
about 15, 20 seconds more,

and then she stops wobbling
as Mr. Magpie holds her,

and she takes her glasses off for a moment

and rubs them and says,

"Oh, I'm sorry, were you all
waiting for me to speak?"

Looks at Mr. Longfoot and says,

"Mr. Longfoot, are you going
to take the picture or not?"

A gasp.
- Temporary memory loss,

moments of aphasia.
- Yo, yo!

(Brennan laughing)

- Earlier this evening, as I
made my wonderful pronouncement

that I would be returning my fee

to the former squire of Loam Hall,

I noticed when the flashbulb went off,

that Mrs. Molesly's pupils dilated.

At the moment, Mrs. Molesly's
pupils are dilated once more.

Mrs. Molesly, I am afraid to say

that a number of times tonight,

you have suffered from
an attack of epilepsy.

- [Molesly] Oh, heavens,
I've been meaning to go to

the doctor for a while, but I had no idea.

So, if I was struggling from epilepsy...

- [Brennan] You see that
another person who's sort of

off in the room, Professor Shellcrest

speaks up and they say,

"Well, very well, Mr. Cross,
but epilepsy or otherwise,

what could have possibly
caused an epileptic fit?

And even if it did, Mrs. Molesly was still

the only other person in the room

with Squire Badger when he died."

- You presume too much.

Mrs. Molesly was the
only person in the room

with Squire Badger when we entered.

At the moment, we don't know

who was in the room when he died.

- You see that Colonel
Hawkins goes, "Preposterous!"

Mr. Harding speaks up and says,

"Well, detective, I was
standing at the door

from the moment that Mrs. Molesly entered

alongside Squire Brockhollow,
and was at the door

the entire time up until we heard

Mrs. Molesly scream after the large crash.

Anyone else who would
have entered the room

would have had to walk past me."

And you see that Lady Calliope says,

"And myself and my wife as well,

not to mention Colonel Hawkins
and Professor Shellcrest."

- And that's absolutely correct.

Anyone entering from this room

would have had to walk right by you.

And as we can see, there is only one door

in and out of the study, but

if you would all join me in the study.

- Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom.

- Everyone packs into the
study very, very close.

- [Katie] So many people!

- People pack into the study-

- Gather one at a time now!

Over in the corners,
yes, fill in, fill in.

- Should I avoid the dead body?

(all laughing)

- Yes, please don't disturb the dead body.

Oh, and by the way, Gangie Green.

- What?

- We meet again.
- f*cking great.

- How fortuitous to see you on this night.

You and I will have a
conversation momentarily.


my intention at the moment

is not to demonstrate I
know who the murderer is.

In fact, I don't.

But it's to demonstrate
to the entire party

that things are not always as they seem.

Lesson number one from the
world's greatest detective,

Sylvester Cross, that's right.

And now I know a lot
of you may be thinking

that Mrs. Molesly was having a fit

and maybe wasn't in control of herself,

and so committed a terrible crime

in a moment of disassociation.

Mrs. Molesly, that's a possibility.

- [Molesly] Oh, no.

- There was only one way
in and out of this room,

and the only two people in the room

were the deceased and you,
when the rest of us entered.

However, there could've
been a moment before anyone

walked in the room when the
three of you were not alone.

That's right, I said three.

(Katie and Brennan gasp)

- A gasp goes up.
- There may indeed have been

another person in the room.

Colonel Hawkins.
- Yes, what?

- Have a look around the room.

A gentleman of the
military such as my man,

the goddamn dog, whatever.
- Sergeant Vandenchomp?

- I start crying.

I'm at the front door, but I'm crying.

- The goddamn dog!

- Colonel Hawkins looks around, says,

"Look around the room very well.

This is my first time being in the room,

I shouldn't think so.

All right, books, books, papers and pens,

and whatever this blasted-"

And you see that Lucretia says,

"And the things the poltergeist
threw about the space!"

And you do see a saber from above the door

that was on one of those things, like,

has like scraped into the
wall and like cut into it

in a way that looks a lot like a ghost

picked it up and slashed
the wall or something.

It seems like a weird
thing to have happened.

But he's looking around like,

"Well, fiddle faddle and all that.

Paper on the desk, and the
body of Squire Brockhollow!"

- That's right, the body
of Squire Brockhollow.

Papers on the desk.

Strewn around the room are pens and...

spirals and, why, this
saber here on the wall.

Colonel Hawkins, I wonder
if you, sir, would,

with your hawkish eye,
have a look all around

the animal kingdom here
presented before you.

Who among the animal kingdom

do you believe has the best nose?

- You see that he turns
around, looks around the room,

and actually is going to
look at Lars Vandenchomp,

is gonna look at Lars as
a dog who is in the room

and also look at Milo Snout and says

"Well, I would imagine
either Milo or Lars."

- Now, Lars is my most trusted advisor.

They wouldn't...

They might lie to make me look great,

because I assure all of you,
I'm about to look phenomenal.

(all laughing)

So I will defer to you, Milo.

- You see Milo comes over and says,

"Right you are, sir, I'll
be happy to help, all right.

I'll take a look around, okay."

(Brennan sniffing)

And begins to sniff around the room,

and yes, all of you of
you guys are looking

at the attention here,

and even Lucretia has to look and see

a stack of loose papers on the desk

that are just sitting there
in a neat little stack

while fountain pens, it looks
like a small little stool

is on its side, there's like
a little sort of footstool

on its side, a couple other items.

(Brennan sniffing)

- [Milo] Yeah, I can smell

sort of a metallic smell
from the blood and from...

- [Brennan] I see Rekha holding her head.

Rekha, what's going on
with Daisy right now?

- Is this motherf*cking desk
a trap door to somewhere?

What the f*ck is going on?

- Does Daisy say that out loud?

- She'll cater it, she'll
take out the curse words.

All right, Lord have mercy,
can we check this desk here?

All these con-flab
papers are on top of it,

but everything else is skewed about!

What's going on with this desk?

Sylvester, investigate that
while you're blabbering on!

- Yes, yes, yes, leave
it to Daisy D'umpstaire

to be 100% wrong about the desk.

(Brennan laughing)

- I go, ooh!
- Totally wrong!

- Hey, Sylvester!
- Oooh!

I've never been wrong about anything

except one thing.

- What was it?

- Uh-oh!

- The desk, she's talking about the desk!

- Yeah, I'm talking about the desk.

No, I'm talking about a man.

- Oh, you!

- You see that Lady
Tabitha speaks up and says,

"I must say, this is
absolutely titillating,

and I will require full details."

You see she like puts a
little hand on your arm,

and she says, "There is absolutely no way.

I know that this is probably
wrong to say after a murder

has happened, but I will
kill anyone that stops me

from getting this extremely
high temperature gossip."

- Bad timing for that sentiment.

- Let me tell you, Tabitha,

there was nothing hot about it.

- You see she just goes, "Woo!"


- Let me tell you, Tabitha,

there was one warm thing about it.

The goddamn hat that I got left.

(Brennan laughing)

- You see that everyone gasps again.

Another party guest in the back goes like,

"I say, I know that this
is very dangerous and bad,

but this is quite something!

Something to talk about
certainly, in Tufting Meadows!"

So Sylvester, eyes go back to you.

- Yes, indeed.

That slight metallic smell in the air.

Why, it could be the iron from the blood.

It's splashed around
the room so, however...

a bit strong, don't you think,

just for that scent of blood.

When a man is killed, you smell
intestine and putrefaction.

In this case, what I smell is ozone.

Ozone, frequently created
by electromagnetic fields.

Look around the room and notice

that everything strewn
about is made of metal.

(all gasp)

- Gasp, Grant is 100% right,
and that wasn't even a text

to Grant, Grant put that together IRL.

- Yo!
- What the f*ck, Grant?

- Amazing.

So, you look around and
Lucretia looks crestfallen,

as indeed you see that
everything scattered

around the room has or contains metal,

and indeed the things
that are the purest metal

have flown the farthest,
like that sword blade

cut into the wall 'cause
it's a solid chunk of steel,

whereas some of the furniture that maybe

is made of leather or fabric

but has like metal screws in it,

like, moved a little bit.

100% on that, nat 20 and with
Grant's actual IRL guess,

everything that moved
in the room was metal,

which explains why the
fountain pens scattered

and the papers did not.

- So we're talking
about the most nefarious

kind of magic of all ... magnets.

- Science!

- You see Colonel Hawkins
slams a fist into the desk

and says, "Well look,
you might be enjoying

running this dog and pony
show, this three ring circus,

but the fact remains-"
- I am.

- Right as you say that and
put the pipe in your mouth,

there's another

(camera clicking)

as Longfoot says,

"I mean at this point I'm
just gonna take photos

for the paper, this is
absolutely incredible

that I'm here for this."

Colonel Hawkins says,

"But you simply can't get around the fact.

So fine, we've ruled out
Lucretia's ludicrous claim

that this was done by a ghost,

which anyone of sensible and sound mind

ruled out from the beginning, I say.

You can't get around the
fact that in this room,

the only person that could
have entered past myself,

Professor Shellcrest,
the Ladies Fawnbrook,

and Mr. Harding would
have had to be a ghost,

leaving the only living person in here

with the squire's fresh cadaver

to be none other than
Mrs. Molesly herself!"

- Eh.

- Colonel Hawkins.

- Here's a lozenge.


- Do you happen to know what
year Loam Hall was electrified?

- Loam Hall was modernized

probably no more than
seven or eight years ago.

- Many changes to the building
throughout the century,

wouldn't there have to have been?

- Oh, absolutely, Loam
Hall is centuries old.

Some say this was actually a
fortification of the Romans

back when they were here, almost-

- Hadrian and the like.

- Hadrian and the like, exactly.

- You know what they say, when in Loam.

- Ooh!
- Nice one.

- Everyone hoots and
hollers for that joke.

- Yeah!

- Whoo!

- I wonder if you would do me
the kindness, Colonel Hawkins,

of flapping a bit over to the
bookcase and having a look

at that electrical light
right there on the wall.

- He goes over to it and says,

"Well yes, this would have
been one of the lights

put in about, I would
say, seven years ago.

I was, of course, over here all the time.

I was having a devil of a time,
dust everywhere, stonework,

coming in and working in a
place this old, you know-"

- Hadrian and the like.

- "Yes, yes, yes, Hadrian and the like.

That's when they installed the elevators,

when they installed the lights,
and various other things.

That's when this desk came
out of storage, et cetera."

He goes over to this
light sconce and says,

"This sconce right here

is one of the new ones you can tell."

And he goes over to touch the light.

As he touches it, he pulls
it away from the wall,

and a bookcase swings open
(door opening)

into the hallway, revealing a secret door.

- Yes, yes!
- Yeah, baby.

- The gasp that goes up here, Sylvester,

you've been doing this a long time,

so you've gotten some good gasps.

It's probably been like five or six years.

This one shoots into the top 10,

this is on your top 10 gasps list

in a long career of doing this.

(crowd gasping)

- I didn't know I could
still get hard at my age.

(all laughing)

- Door swings open into the hall,

and immediately, everyone
looks at you to Mrs. Molesly,

and Grant, I...

told you before that there was information

you would get once you
could look at the doorway.

You look on the ground,

underneath the swinging of
the bookshelf, and see...

tiny little glitter of
crushed glass under the door.

- I don't know what to do with that yet.

- Cool.
- But I'll figure it out.

- I think we are coming off of...

I think the nat 20 investigation

has given you everything
it's gonna give you.

- [Grant] Sure.

- But I think you log that away.

It's like a little bit of crushed glass.

It's extremely fine
glass, I will say that.


- And so I say to all of you here

we don't know who was in the room.

- You see that Constance
speaks up and says,

"But wouldn't Mrs. Molesly have seen-"

and you see Dr. Magpie says,
"She may well have seen darling

but she may well not remember.

And you all look at each
other and Colonel Hawkins goes

"My God, the murderer could
be anybody in this room."

Mr. Gilfoyle speaks up at this moment

and you see there's a (claps)

little loud of applause for Sylvester

for finding this clue.

- Thank you, thank you yes Daisy.

- Sylvester go ahead and
give me a perception check

with advantage Sylvester at this point.

- 26.

(Ally whistles)

- 26.

- The page on the desk is gone.

(all gasp)

- Which page?

- The page, "Sylvester
Cross, I am afraid",

it's gone.
- Oh God.

(Grant groans)

(Katie groans)

- Incredible, you still see
Squire Brockhollow's body,

you see that Dr. Magpie looks up

you still know that
there's more to find out

about the squire's body, probably.

You see the knife there in his hand.

The room... I think there
are still some big questions.

There's the glass question

and then there's also the
whole idea of the smell

of ozone and like where
the f*ck it's coming from,

which you don't quite understand.

You see Mr. Gilfoyle comes in and says

"Mrs. Molesly, are you certain...

we know that there is much
that you maybe did not see

or saw and cannot remember,

but you saw Squire Badger
attacking himself with a knife.

You see she looks up and says,

"I do remember that as much, yes,

I saw the dear Squire
and tried to stop him

but he was much stronger than me.

I tried to wrest the knife
away from his hand to stop him

and he was shouting and grunting in pain,

he looked like a man possessed.

And things were flying around the room,

shaking against the wall,

swords and pens were
shaking against the wall

and I tried to stop him as well as I could

but maybe I misremember."

Dr. Magpie looks up and you
see that Constance looks at

her husband and says "Corbin darling,

is there any...

Is there any way that Mrs. Molesly's

epilepsy might have fabricated a memory

that... or perhaps made her susceptible to

a fantasy of some kind

to explain what may have
been someone else coming in

and killing my father."

(Brennan crying)

She weeps here.

And Corbin looks up at you, Sylvester.

Give me an insight check if
you would be so kind here.

- Nat one plus eight so it's nine

although for insight I can't
roll less than an 8 so-

- Yes, you can't get a nat one

so it's a 16.

- So a 16.

- He looks at you and gives you a look

that... you can't get deep
detail on the insight check

but he's giving you a look like

kind of like, "What should
I say in this moment?"

Because you've got a nat one
there, give me a medicine check

to see if you know what to say.

- 12.

- 12, I think it's up to Sylvester...

Constance is like on a
flight of fancy, she's saying

like is it possible that Mrs. Molesly

made up this memory and
I think that Sylvester

on a 12 medicine check,
you would probably know

that that's not like a common feature

of this type of epilepsy that moles have

but you also don't...

I think Sylvester is very
dedicated to not ruling stuff out.

- Mh-mmh.

- So this suggestion is something
that you can't rule out,

that there is this fabric...

Like, either this wild supernatural
thing is something that

Mrs. Molesly really did see and
you don't know what it means

or, maybe...

Maybe Constance is right
about a fabricated memory

or maybe there's some other explanation,

but Corbin is looking to you to see

if he should say something

that will calm the room down or not.

- Unfortunately, the
answer is it's possible.

When the impossible is ruled out

all that we have left is the improbable.

So at the moment, that
remains a possibility.

- See, Dr. Magpie looks and says,

"At this time I would like everyone please

to clear out of the study
back into the drawing room.

Myself and Detective Cross,

I think maybe it would be best
for us to examine the body.

Mr. Cross I don't imagine
you've brought your

medical tools here, I have
some surgical implements

here with me in my doctor's
bag but I don't have anything

in the manner of forensics with me."

- I wonder if I may
insist upon a modification

to your plan.

- [Magpie] Yes absolutely.

- I would like this man,

Gangie Green,
(Katie gasps)

to stay at my sight at all time.

- Mr. Gilfoyle speaks up and says,

"I think that extremely wise Mr. Cross."

Mr. Gilfoyle looks around and says,

"Given that there may have
been a third inhabitant

in the room at the time of
Squire Brockhollow's murder,

I think it becomes extremely
important to ascertain

where everybody was within Loam Hall

at the time of the murder.

We can remember it exactly,
there was a crush of thunder

and strike of lighting outside.

We heard the clatter of a
tray and movement in the room

of objects going hither and to.

Mrs. Molesly-
- We don't need to go through

who was where at the time of the murder.

I don't see how this is relevant.

- [Brennan] Mr. Harding looks
at you Buckster and says,

"Actually I believe Mr. Gilfoyle is right.

An accounting, thoroughly
done, of where everybody was

at the time of the murder,
seems extremely appropriate."

- I mean who can remember,
we were all in such a panic.

Can we really rely on
our memories, you know?

- Can I say, "Mr. Gilfoyle,

where were you at the time of the murder?

- [Gilfoyle] I and the rest
of the kitchen staff were busy

cleaning up dinner, dinner
service had just concluded

and we were having a short
break in the reception

before dancing was to commence.

- [Brennan] You see he says,
"Any of the staff can speak

to this."

You see that a number of the
maid staff and cleaning service

are basically like yeah, all
of them were just in a little

bucket line back and forth
in between the dining room

and the kitchen wing.

- Was Gangie there too?
Can Gangie confirm it?

- You guys were watching
them from the shadows

back and forth, but then you
guys tucked around a corner

to go and get out of sight
to read this document.

So you guys see that a lot of
the staff are accounted for.

And a lot of the guests
are accounted for as well.

Everyone was pretty much in
the drawing room talking,

or they were in the ballroom
getting ready to have

tables cleared and be
dancing and stuff like that

where Ollie Banks was as well.

So you look around, and Mr. Gilfoyle says,

"I think at this time
it's worth mentioning

Gangie Green's service at Loam Hall

had begun extremely recently.
It has come to the attention

of myself as Head of Kitchen
Staff that Mr. Green,

far from being a grave digger,

is also a noted and
convicted grave robber."

Gasp goes up.
(crowd gasps)

- [Gilfoyle] And worked for
many years in the employ of

none other than the nemesis of Mr. Cross,

none other than the dastardly, devilish

Fletcher Cottonbottom.

You see-
- I ain't done nothing.

I ain't done nothing.

- [Brennan] Mrs. Molesly looks
up at you Gangie and says,

"Is it true Gangie?

Were you a criminal
before you worked here?"

- Yeah. I'm still a criminal.

(all laughing)

It's not that big a deal.

- [Grant] I would remind you
the constabulary is on the way.

- You see that...

Gangie, you look at Mrs. Molesly
and see that you actually

just saying that you are a criminal,

she smiles and pats your arm and says

"Well, if you're a criminal at
least you're an honest one."

And pats you on the other forearm twice.

The people go round accounting
for each other and then

Mr. Gilfoyle looks and says...

You see Lucretia actually
looks and says, "There is one

person who was completely
alone at the time

of my dear brother's murder."

And she turns to look
at Vicar Ian Prescott.

(Katie gasps)

- [Lucretia] I'm afraid I
left the vicar unattended

for quite some time as I was retrieving my

occult paraphernalia
and mystic accoutrement.

(Raph laughing)

- [Brennan] You see she says,
"Alone for quite some time."

- How dare you.

How dare you.

- You see Colonel Hawkins
narrows his eyes and says,

"How dare you, old sport.

For indeed wasn't it you,
after the generous endowment

to your church by my late friend William,

had the nerve to approach
him and question his motives

in front of everyone?

And I think we were all there
when we remember Squire Badger

informing you of the cardinal's
decision to ship you off

to Siberia, yes?

It seems that our dear friend the vicar

may have had more than
enough reason to see his

well-noted political nemesis,
who had finally cleared his

good name, killed at
his own birthday party.

The nerve!
(Raph giggling)

- Yes, very conspicuous, very conspicuous.

- Excuse me, excuse me.

If I may, I... wouldn't that be...

Everyone knows me, I would not harm a fly.

- I don't know you.

(all laughing)

- Come to think of it, I don't
know you very well either.

- Yeah I don't think I've
made your acquaintance.

- Hold on a second, wait a minute.

- I don't know nothing.

- Oh Gangie! Oh Gangie!

- I mean we've met, I don't...

(all laughing)

- You very clearly said
everyone knows you, so...

- We don't, like, text
or anything, it's not...

- We don't what now?

- [Rekha] Carrier pigeon.
- [Grant] Write letters.

Form text.

- Everyone in this community
knows me, I have a reputation.

I would never go so far
as to murder my enemy.

That is not my way, that
is not God's way, now-

- So you're admitting he's your enemy?

- Yes, very interesting.
(crowd gasps)

- [Brennan] Gasp goes-
- Also, God kills people

all the time Ian, I seen it happen.

- What are you talking about?

People die all the time, God
kills tons of people Ian.

I don't know, something fishy about you.

- God does and God kills in
vengeance, but vengeance is

the Lord's and the Lord's alone.

It just so happens that I
benefit from this, that's all.

- You see there's a gasp as
you say you benefit from this.

- Oh boy.

- [Brennan] You see that-
- Ooh, you're in hot water.

- Incredible, I love it.

You see Osmund Sheffield speaks
up here, who's a barrister,

who's been looking very
shrewdly the whole time.

This is a lawyer who's
watching all this happen.

You see he says, "And I am
sorry to interject here,

yes, it's true that the
location within Loam Hall

of Gangie Green and of Vicar
Prescott is unaccounted for

at the time of the murder. I
can't help but interject that

the whereabouts of Mr. Boyd are also

unknown at the time of the
murder, as well as his partner,

Ms. D'Umpstaire."

- Partner?

(Ally clears their throat)

- Partner?
- Nothing, nothing.

- Partner?
- It's a purely

professional relationship.

- Oh, God, yeah.

- I still think you dodged a bullet.

- Did you not know, Sylvester?

Is that something you didn't know?

- You seem to have a lot
of purely professional

relationships, don't you Daisy?

(Brennan laughing)

- That's 'cause I can't
get the romantic ones

to work out so good.

- Nothing personal,
Sylvester, nothing personal.

You know, it wasn't a
matter of you versus me.

- Yes, nothing is personal
to Daisy D'Umpstaire.

- It was a matter of you versus money.

- You have this slight exchange
as Mr. Sheffield sort of

looks at the two Americans,
at Buckster and Daisy.

Mr. Harding looks over
and says, "Mr. Boyd,

I believe a letter was handed to you...

after dinner by myself.

Would you be kind enough to

enlighten us as to the
contents of that letter?"

- Why of course.

I've nothing to hide, I
have the letter right here.

(Sam clearing throat)

- [Sam] And I sort of take out the letter

and hold it casually in my hand.

- [Boyd] The squire was merely
informing me of a change in

our professional relationship, his equity

in our partnership having
been transferred to others.

Nothing gained from my part, nothing lost.

- You see that Mr. Sheffield
says, "Nothing lost, Mr. Boyd.

A transfer to whom, exactly?"

- [Sam] Thinking quickly
here, not to mention Josiah

if I can help it.

- [Boyd] To a Hazel
Hogwallop, as I understand.

- [Brennan] Incredible. Go
ahead and give me a deception

roll, if you would be so kind.

- Boy there's a roll for everything!

(Sam laughing)

- Give me a Hazel Hogwallop roll, please.

(all laughing)

- [Sam] It's going to be a nice little 22.

- Woo!
- Hey!

- You see that eyes narrow in on you.

Buckster give me an insight check.

And Sylvester I'll remind you too that

you do see that f*cking
pronghorn-handled knife

that no one else has
clocked yet, in the room.

- Mm-hmm.

- That's a 26.

- Whoa!

- Unstoppable.

- Buckster you have allayed
suspicions for the moment

by evoking someone that these
people don't really know.

You also have made your life
much harder if anyone actually

ever reads this document
or finds the unsent

contract somewhere in the
house, because now you have lied

in a way that is provable.

- Mm-hmm.

- Or at the very least,
omitted a very important truth.

- Fair.

- So you are-

- I gotta find that contract.

(all laughing)

That's what I have to do.

Yes I do, I knew this
already believe you me.

(Brennan laughing)

- Woo!



For everybody else-
- Can I-

- [Brennan] Oh yeah go for it.

- Do I actually with the attention on...

If this is too much shenanigans Brennan,

please by all means stop me.

- No, go for it.

(Sam laughing)

- I want to fake checking
the body for a pulse.

In order to see if I can...

I don't wanna do sleight of
hand 'cause I'm terrible at it.

- Well am I allowed to help
you, 'cause I have very

good investigation.

I don't know if that-
- Oh.

- Oh, and you have good sleight of hand.

- Yeah, I do.

- [Sam] Daisy-
- But I roll like sh*t

so who knows.

- So what if I were to
lob this up for you?

Okay, sorry.

- What I'll need is
this, I'm going to need a

DC20 perception check
from both of you right now

to notice the knife at
all, 'cause right now

all Buckster knows is that
the knife is gone, right?

- Yes, can I say-
- I'm actually-

- I have something called
Criminal Contact, does that help

me at all in this situation?

- That means that you have
friends in the criminal world

that you can reach out to.

- Okay 'cause it says I can
convey messages to and from my

contact even over great distances.

- Yes.
- But that doesn't qualify

for like little subtle, do do do-

- I'm gonna say that you and
Buckster can speak in innuendo

to each other, absolutely.
- Okay cool, gotcha.

- So Brennan I'm not going
to steal the knife, I think

that's far too conspicuous.
- Yes.

- But what I'd like to do,
'cause it's the murder weapon

for all intents and purposes right?

- Yes.
- But what I'd like to do

is see if I can lob Daisy
up to check the body for the

contract on his person.

- [Brennan] Copy that.

Go ahead and see if you can lob Daisy up,

give me a DC20 deception check.

If you hit that DC, Daisy is
going to have automatic stealth

and she will have advantage
on her sleight of hand check.

- Excellent.

So I'm going to say to the group,

I'm going to get all
high and mighty and say,

"I can't believe we're
all sitting around saying

murder when no one has checked

this poor man for his pulse yet!"

- You know, my daddy falls
over like that constantly

and he looks dead as a doornail

but you check his pulse, he's alive!

- I got an 18.

- Okay.

So you get your deception,
people are looking at you

but it's not going to be automatic stealth

for Daisy, nor is it
going to be advantage.

However Buckster, you still have

that bonus action help.
- Can I help?

- You're the mastermind, baby.

You can absolutely do
that but you've got to

pick which roll it's going to be,

so it's either got to be the
stealth or the sleight of hand.

- So stealth, Buckster,
I've got plus five.

To sleight of hand I've got
plus seven but I roll like sh*t,

keep that in mind for everything.

- Got it, but I'm more helpful
to you on the deception.

Or sorry, to the stealth.

- Stealth, I guess.

'Cause I have plus five on
that so that's where I need

more of the help, sleight
of hand I'm plus seven.

- I'll give you the stealth

because it's worse if you
get caught than if you fail.

At the sleight of hand.
- Okay.

Cool, so I do a stealth roll?

- Yeah.

What did you roll?
- 12.

- Oh wait, now is stealth
the one you're rolling

with advantage or no?

- Yes.
- Oh okay, sorry.

- You're rolling with
advantage, so roll a second time

and you might get higher than a 12.

- It's impossible Brennan.

(Grant laughing)

Wow, you're right. A 13.

(all laughing)

- Wow I've really thrown
you off your game.

- You son of a bitch.

- Daisy, go ahead and give me your

sleight of hand check now.

- I wish there was a virtual
way to do like one of these

(mimes rattling dice)
you know, with the dice?

- Yeah, for sure.

- [Katie] Blowing into it.
- [Sam] Blow.

- [Grant] You shake your mouse.

- 22.

(all ooh)

- Hell yes.

Everyone can see you go
over to check for a pulse,

though Sylvester, you watch this...

Sylvester, you give me a perception check.

Everyone can see Daisy,
but you're trying to

beat that 22 for the sleight of hand.

And also anyone else in here,
so Gangie, Ian and Lars can

all roll for that as well.

- [Katie] Roll for what?
- [Raph] Perception?

- Perception, yes.

- Someone has to beat a roll.

- I got a 22.

- Ooh-hoo, once again!
- [Rekha] Ooh, tango baby!

- Uh-huh, uh-huh.

- I got an 8.

- [Sam] Do you guys make out?
- [Ally] I didn't get it.

- Didn't get it, Gangie or Vicar?

- [Katie] 18.

- I got a nat one, plus four.
- [Brennan] Gotcha.

- Nat one, and what did Gangie get?

- 18.
- [Rekha] Ian dies.

- 18, okay.

- Do I still have help from my blessing?

- You add one d4, you're still blessed!

You beat the 22, you spot it.

Ugh, brutal!

- Wow.

- That's right, Vicar, good
looking out with that Bless.

Daisy, you go in and feel a...

This is very strange
because normally a lord

wouldn't carry keys, that
would be something that

his valet did.

There is a single key attached
to a piece of red silk

inside of his inner pocket,
not a contract but a key.

- Ooh, it's got to be to a cabinet where-

- It's got to be to like a safe
with a bunch of sh*t in it.

So I'm not able to swipe
that right, because-

- Oh you swipe it, you swipe it.

- You got your sleight of hand.

- But Grant sees me, right?
- Grant sees you.

- Okay, cool.

- Interesting.
- So I swipe that, I swipe

that between my bosoms,
that's where I put that, cute.

- And Grant sees the whole thing.

- That move is what Daisy
and I call an alley-oop.

(all laughing)

- Hell yeah.
- And we're about to invent

basketball, bitch.

(all laughing)

- So, what's going to happen now is this.

You see Lady Calliope looks up and says,

"I must apologize for being
so dreadfully dramatic,

and I say this with the utmost respect,

our American friends indeed do
bear some level of suspicion,

as does, I'm sorry to say, Vicar Prescott

only for the rivalry
between you and the squire

as well as Mr. Green with
his long criminal record.

- I ain't done nothing.

(Brennan laughing)

I ain't done nothing!

- You see Mrs. Molesly pats
you on the arm again and says,

"Don't worry Mr. Green,
I'll hide you in a barrel

and roll you down the
hill if it comes to it."

The Lady Calliope says, "There are

two others that... I don't
wish to stir up muck,

do merit suspicion."

- You see that the Lady
Tabitha, her wife, says,

"Is it Lady Bristlebrush?
She's been threatening

to kill everybody all evening!"

Lady Bristlebrush says, "I
f*cking hate all you people,

one down, all you motherf*ckers to go!"

- Grabbing everyone's arm as says it.

- [Bristlebrush] I hate you all!

I hate you!

(all laughing)

- [Brennan] You see that
the Lady Fawnbrook says,

"There were two others
that were absent from any

group setting at the
exact time of the murder."

- Quite.
- Detective Cross,

- and Sergeant Vandenchomp.

(Katie gasping)

- Now this is interesting to me.

- Yes it's very interesting to me, yes.

- Yes, very interesting.
- Because I believe we saw

a little bit of theater, as you might say,

with Mr. Cross and the
squire earlier this evening.

Big grand gesture of handing
back a fee of some sort?

- That's not the only bit of theater

you've seen this evening.

Why, just a moment ago, I
did quite the display of

(Raph laughing)

revealing a secret passage.

Who's to say how I knew
that that was there.

- You see that Lord
Bramble speaks up and says,

"Yes, it's very possible
that Detective Cross knew it

because he did it and told us...

and told us, also."

- So Detective, in the business world,

we call this negotiating against yourself.

(Brennan and Rekha laughing)

- And in the world of the detectives,

we call it presenting every
piece of evidence to scrutiny.

We do indeed have evidence that

myself and my loyal
companion, Sergeant Lars,

may well indeed have been the murderers.

- Oh I guess it's time for a
bit of a Cross examination,

as it were.


- You know your real name is Dumpster.

(all laughing)

- You petty little bitch!

I throw a book at him.

(book thuds)

- Incredible.

Colonel Hawkins says, "Very well then.

No one is allowed to leave,
no one must go anywhere.

Seal the exits and moreover,
if Sergeant Vandenchomp is

indeed one of the suspects,
as several of us are,

then I think there should be someone else

posted at the door."

Lady Fawnbrook speaks up and
says, "Colonel Hawkins, I can

appreciate your vigilance in this matter,

however, ipsos custodes, we
must understand that there is a

great deal of suspicion to go around

and Mr. Cross, while being
a suspect, is likely also

our chief way of solving this case.

We are not the constables
of Tufting Meadows,

and it is not given to
us to arrest anyone here.

My suggestion is that we
leave a group of people

at the exit."

You see that she looks over
at Mr. Gilfoyle and says,

"Mr. Gilfoyle, is the front door the only

entrance and exit from Loam Hall?"

And you see Mr. Gilfoyle says,

"No madam, it's not.

There's a servant's entrance
and exit by the elevator

in the kitchen wing,

and there is also presumably
some towers that poke up above

ground that one could
scale as through a window

but in a rainstorm I find
that highly unlikely,

however we can take the
keys, we can go with anyone

who wishes for accountability's
sake to come with us,

lock the doors to the towers
and keep the keys in a

central location.

And as for the elevator, we
can go ahead and disable that

right now.

The front door, of course,
will just have to be

watched, I presume."

You see Mr. Harding nods,
Colonel Hawkins says,

"Very well, accountability in numbers,

keep an eye on everybody.

But let's get to it, pip pip post haste!

As for our chief suspects
here, you keep an eye on them."

So, people begin to look around.

Dr. Magpie says, "Everyone,
again, please clear the study

away from the body of
his Lordship Brockhollow,

my late father-in-law.

All right."

You see that Constance says,
"Everyone, please remain calm.

We will get to the bottom of this.

We will be safe."

And you see that Lady Eugenia says,

"Safe with a murderer running around?

I should murder you for
that stupid sentence!"

- Can we at least include her on the list

of suspects?
- Yeah, I mean

this woman, I thought she's
going to squeeze my arm off.

She's a crazy woman.

- You see that she looks and you and says,

"Keep that mouth running

with your trash hat and your-

- Okay, from rodent to rodent,
you're not so great either.

- Get her! Get her!

Yeah, her hat's made of trash!

- I throw a bigger book at him.

(bigger book thudding)
(Grant yelling)

- You see that Dr. Magpie
stays in the study.

Everyone else files out.

Mr. Gilfoyle stays here and says,

"I see no reason to

keep all of you under lock
and key for the time being.

There are a fixed number of
cars outside and we are going to

seal off the exits.

On the off chance that the
Hunter of Hampstead Street saw

fit to murder Squire Brockhollow,"

you can tell from his tone of voice that

he doesn't think it's likely,

"I'm not going to stop this detective

from doing his business, nor
indeed do I truly believe

that it is not possible that
someone outside of the six

of you is responsible for the murder."

And actually he says,
"And the seven of you.

We can't, I'm afraid,
still rule Mrs. Molesly

out of the equation."

He says, "So if there is
anything I can do to be

of assistance in this
investigation, Mr. Cross

please let me know,
however, do understand that

all of you are being watched."

He exits.

The six of you, Mrs.
Molesly and Dr. Magpie

are left in the room along
with Constance Brockhollow,

who is still by her father's side.

You all look at each other.

Sylvester, you see the
paper is gone from the desk.

You cracked a bunch of stuff
wide open but there are still

loose ends and clues yet to be resolved.

What do you all do, left in
the study, as the group exits?

- I have a sort of crass
question for Constance.

- [Brennan] Yeah.
- I'm wondering, do we know

this sounds crazy, that this is

the squire's body for sure?

This is not a decoy
body, this is his body.

- Without a skill check, in general,

you don't know anything.

- Okay great.
(Grant hums)

So, may I do something... I guess

'Cause I don't think I would
know how to confirm it's his

body or not, I wish there
were some sort of way

if anyone can think of anything.

- I'm high on perception.
- I'm very high on perception.

That seems like maybe
more of an investigation?

- I'm high on investigation.
- [Sam] Okay.

- I don't know if it's worth
investigating the body or if

that's something I ask Constance to check,

is this really your father,
look really closely.

- [Brennan] Yes, Lars.

- While we're doing this,
can I sidebar to Sylvester

really quick and say,

"I'm going to keep with the
kitchen staff and just be

milling around with
Gilfoyle and all of them."

And just keep close with them.

- Awesome.

Lars, go ahead and either
give me perception or insight

as you go to the kitchen staff.

- Right.

We'll do perception.

Ay, 17.

- As you go to the kitchen
staff you see Mr. Gilfoyle

is actually off going to
other wings, to lock off

towers and other exits and sh*t like that-

- Before you go Lars.

He's somewhere here.

Cottonbottom. You saw him too, didn't you?

- What, yes.
- Fletcher Cottonbottom.

- I was going to ask you about that, yes.

- I think, I'm sharing
with Lars, deep terror.

Like I've been hiding it all
night but deep deep terror.

- I put a really big paw on your back,

and I say "I will never
be far away from you."

- Does Gangie overhear this?

- Yes, Gangie does,
you're in the same room.

Gangie you can walk right
over when that happens.

- So I will walk over and just say...

I guess I'll just ask what happened.

- Yeah, Gangie, you can walk
right over and talk to them

and ask them directly what
they're talking about, for sure.

- So I'll just say,

- Cottonbottom? You saw him?
- Like you don't know.

- I don't know nothing.

- Give me insight, Sylvester.

- Would I also since I have-
- Yes, yes.

Lars give me insight as well.

- Dirty 20.

- 11.

- Sylvester you look at
Gangie, who you have history

going back years with,
who is suddenly here,

working for f*cking Squire Brockhollow.

You were here, weeks out of the summer,

and never saw Gangie.

And you see Gangie is telling
you one hundred percent truth.

He doesn't know sh*t about
Fletcher Cottonbottom.

This is a guy who worked for Cottonbottom

for more than a decade

and you remember the strike of lightning,

everything was white, as it is when that

lightning strikes and
everything is lit in that way.

Did you see a ghost?

Are your nerves getting to you?

You had a lot of cups at
the bar earlier today,

is it possible that
something else is going on?

And Lars, what was your insight check?

- 11.

- 11.

You don't get any insight
on Gangie with an 11,

but you do on your companion.

Sylvester's tweaking,
he's having a hard time.

And you know what you saw,

because Lars

believes in ghosts.

And that's all for this
episode of Dimension 20.

- [Raph] Yeah.
(all clap and cheer)

- Tune in next week for another
episode of Mice and Murder.

(Brennan cackles)

- [Ally] Wow.
- [Rekha] Oh my God.

(thunder rumbling)

- [Brennan] I know which of these doors

(group gasps)

is the important one.

You see the tiniest little
glint of silverware.

- They're bad!

- You hear the whispering.

- They're criminals.

- They're criminals, I know it.

- [Gilfoyle] Sergeant Vandenchomp.

What brings you to the kitchens,

is there anything I can do to help you?

- My nerves are through the roof

and yeah, if I could just
have a half with ice in?

- Go ahead and give me a deception Lars.

(Ally hums)

Dimension 20: Season 9, Episode 3 script (2024)


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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.