File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (2024)

Authors: Anna Windle (NASA, SSAI), Ian Carroll (NASA, UMBC), Carina Poulin (NASA, SSAI)


This notebook has the following prerequisites:OCI Data Access


In this example we will use the earthaccess package to access an OCI Level-1B, Level-2, and Level-3 NetCDF file and open them using xarray.

NetCDF (Network Common Data Format) is a binary file format for storing multidimensional scientific data (variables). It is optimized for array-oriented data access and support a machine-independent format for representing scientific data. Files ending in .nc are NetCDF files.

XArray is a package that supports the use of multi-dimensional arrays in Python. It is widely used to handle Earth observation data, which often involves multiple dimensions — for instance, longitude, latitude, time, and channels/bands.

Learning Objectives#

At the end of this notebok you will know:

  • How to find groups in a NetCDF file

  • How to use xarray to open OCI data

  • What key variables are present in the groups within OCI L1B, L2, and L3 files


  1. Setup

  2. Inspecting OCI L1B File Structure

  3. Inspecting OCI L2 File Structure

  4. Inspecting OCI L3 File Structure

1. Setup#

We begin by importing all of the packages used in this notebook. If you have created an environment following the guidance provided with this tutorial, then the imports will be successful.

import as ccrsimport earthaccessimport h5netcdfimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npimport xarray as xrimport pandas as pd

Set (and persist to your user profile on the host, if needed) your Earthdata Login credentials.

auth = earthaccess.login(persist=True)

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2. Inspecting OCI L1B File Structure#

Let’s use xarray to open up a OCI L1B NetCDF file using earthaccess. We will use the same search method used in OCI Data Access. Note that L1B files do not include cloud coverage metadata, so we cannot use that filter.

tspan = ("2024-05-01", "2024-05-16")bbox = (-76.75, 36.97, -75.74, 39.01)results = earthaccess.search_data( short_name="PACE_OCI_L1B_SCI", temporal=tspan, bounding_box=bbox,)
Granules found: 23
paths =
Opening 23 granules, approx size: 39.77 GBusing endpoint:

We want to confirm we are running code on a remote host with direct access to the NASA Earthdata Cloud. The next cell hasno effect if we are, and otherwise raises an error. If there’s an error, consider the substitution explained in the OCI Data Access notebook.

try: paths[0].f.bucketexcept AttributeError: raise "The result opened without an S3FileSystem."

Let’s open the first file of the L1B files list:

dataset = xr.open_dataset(paths[0])dataset
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 0BDimensions: ()Data variables: *empty*Attributes: (12/33) title: PACE OCI Level-1B Data instrument: OCI product_name: processing_version: V1.0 processing_level: L1B cdm_data_type: swath ... ... geospatial_lon_min: -81.115524 geospatial_lon_max: -48.152897 geospatial_bounds_crs: EPSG:4326 history: 2024-05-01T19:00:18Z: l1agen_oci OCI_temp... time_coverage_start: 2024-05-01T16:53:11.072 time_coverage_end: 2024-05-01T16:58:10.954

Notice that this xarray.Dataset has nothing but “Attributes”. We cannot use xarray to open multi-group hierarchies or list groups within a NetCDF file, but it can open a specific group if you know its path. The xarray-datatree package is going to be merged into xarray in the not too distant future, which will allow xarray to open the entire hieerarchy. In the meantime, we can use a lower level reader to see the top-level groups.

with h5netcdf.File(paths[0]) as file: groups = list(file)groups
['sensor_band_parameters', 'scan_line_attributes', 'geolocation_data', 'navigation_data', 'observation_data']

Let’s open the “observation_data” group, which contains the core science variables.

dataset = xr.open_dataset(paths[0], group="observation_data")dataset
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 5GBDimensions: (blue_bands: 119, number_of_scans: 1710, ccd_pixels: 1272, red_bands: 163, SWIR_bands: 9, SWIR_pixels: 1272)Dimensions without coordinates: blue_bands, number_of_scans, ccd_pixels, red_bands, SWIR_bands, SWIR_pixelsData variables: rhot_blue (blue_bands, number_of_scans, ccd_pixels) float32 1GB ... qual_blue (blue_bands, number_of_scans, ccd_pixels) float32 1GB ... rhot_red (red_bands, number_of_scans, ccd_pixels) float32 1GB ... qual_red (red_bands, number_of_scans, ccd_pixels) float32 1GB ... rhot_SWIR (SWIR_bands, number_of_scans, SWIR_pixels) float32 78MB ... qual_SWIR (SWIR_bands, number_of_scans, SWIR_pixels) float32 78MB ...

Now you can view the Dimensions, Coordinates, and Variables of this group. To show/hide attributes, press the paper icon on the right hand side of each variable. To show/hide data representation, press the cylinder icon. For instance, you could check the attributes on “rhot_blue” to see that this variable is the “Top of Atmosphere Blue Band Reflectance”.

The dimensions of the “rhot_blue” variable are (“blue_bands”, “number_of_scans”, “ccd_pixels”), and it has shape (119, 1709, 1272). The sizes attribute of a variable gives us that information as a dictionary.

Frozen({'blue_bands': 119, 'number_of_scans': 1710, 'ccd_pixels': 1272})

Let’s plot the reflectance at postion 100 in the “blue_bands” dimension.

plot = dataset["rhot_blue"].sel({"blue_bands": 100}).plot()

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (1)

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3. Inspecting OCI L2 File Structure#

OCI L2 files include retrievals of geophysical variables, such as Apparent Optical Properties (AOP), for each L1 swath. We’ll use the same earthaccess search for L2 AOP data. Although now we can use cloud_cover too.

tspan = ("2024-05-01", "2024-05-16")bbox = (-76.75, 36.97, -75.74, 39.01)clouds = (0, 50)results = earthaccess.search_data( short_name="PACE_OCI_L2_AOP_NRT", temporal=tspan, bounding_box=bbox, cloud_cover=clouds,)
Granules found: 3
paths =
Opening 3 granules, approx size: 1.22 GBusing endpoint:
with h5netcdf.File(paths[0]) as file: groups = list(file)groups
['sensor_band_parameters', 'scan_line_attributes', 'geophysical_data', 'navigation_data', 'processing_control']

Let’s look at the “geophysical_data” group, which is a new group generated by the level 2 processing.

dataset = xr.open_dataset(paths[0], group="geophysical_data")rrs = dataset["Rrs"]rrs
<xarray.DataArray 'Rrs' (number_of_lines: 1709, pixels_per_line: 1272, wavelength_3d: 184)> Size: 2GB[399988032 values with dtype=float32]Dimensions without coordinates: number_of_lines, pixels_per_line, wavelength_3dAttributes: long_name: Remote sensing reflectance units: sr^-1 standard_name: surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_wat... valid_min: -30000 valid_max: 25000
Frozen({'number_of_lines': 1709, 'pixels_per_line': 1272, 'wavelength_3d': 184})

The Rrs variable has length 184 in the wavelength dimension, so the blue, red, and SWIR wavelengths have been combined. Let’s map the Rrs at “wavelength_3d” position 100.

plot = rrs.sel({"wavelength_3d": 100}).plot(cmap="viridis")

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (2)

Right now, the scene is being plotted using number_of_lines and pixels_per_line as “x” and “y”, respectively. We need to add latitude and longitude values to create a true map. To do this, we will create a merged xarray.Dataset that pulls in information from the “navigation_data” group.

dataset = xr.open_dataset(paths[0], group="navigation_data")dataset = dataset.set_coords(("longitude", "latitude"))dataset = dataset.rename({"pixel_control_points": "pixels_per_line"})dataset = xr.merge((rrs, dataset.coords))dataset
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 2GBDimensions: (number_of_lines: 1709, pixels_per_line: 1272, wavelength_3d: 184)Coordinates: longitude (number_of_lines, pixels_per_line) float32 9MB ... latitude (number_of_lines, pixels_per_line) float32 9MB ...Dimensions without coordinates: number_of_lines, pixels_per_line, wavelength_3dData variables: Rrs (number_of_lines, pixels_per_line, wavelength_3d) float32 2GB ...Attributes: long_name: Remote sensing reflectance units: sr^-1 standard_name: surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_wat... valid_min: -30000 valid_max: 25000

Although we now have coordinates, they won’t immediately help because the data are not gridded by latitude and longitude.The Level 2 data cover the original instrument swath and have not been resampled to a regular grid. Therefore latitudeand longitude are known, but cannot be used immediately to “look-up” values like you can along an array’s dimensions.

Let’s make a scatter plot of the pixel locations so we can see the irregular spacing. By selecting a slice with a step size larger than one, we get a subset of the locations for better visualization.

plot = dataset.sel( { "number_of_lines": slice(None, None, 1720 // 20), "pixels_per_line": slice(None, None, 1272 // 20), },).plot.scatter(x="longitude", y="latitude")

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (3)

Let’s plot this new xarray.Dataset the same way as before, but add latitude and longitude.

rrs = dataset["Rrs"].sel({"wavelength_3d": 100})plot = rrs.plot(x="longitude", y="latitude", cmap="viridis", vmin=0)

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (4)

Now you can project the data onto a grid. If you wanna get fancy, add a coastline.

fig = plt.figure()ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())ax.coastlines()ax.gridlines(draw_labels={"left": "y", "bottom": "x"})plot = rrs.plot(x="longitude", y="latitude", cmap="viridis", vmin=0, ax=ax)

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (5)

Let’s plot the full “Rrs” spectrum for individual pixels. A visualization with all the pixelswouldn’t be useful, but limiting to a bounding box gives a simple way to subset pixels. Note that,since we still don’t have gridded data (i.e. our latitude and longitude coordinates are two-dimensional),we can’t slice on a built-in index. Without getting into anything complex, we can just box it out.

rrs_box = dataset["Rrs"].where( ( (dataset["latitude"] > 37.52) & (dataset["latitude"] < 37.55) & (dataset["longitude"] > -75.46) & (dataset["longitude"] < -75.43) ), drop=True,)rrs_box.sizes
Frozen({'number_of_lines': 3, 'pixels_per_line': 3, 'wavelength_3d': 184})

The line plotting method will only draw a line plot for 1D data, which we can get by stackingour two spatial dimensions and choosing to show the new “pixel dimension” as different colors.

rrs_stack = rrs_box.stack( {"pixel": ["number_of_lines", "pixels_per_line"]}, create_index=False,)plot = rrs_stack.plot.line(hue="pixel")

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (6)

We will go over how to plot Rrs spectra with accurate wavelength values on the x-axis in an upcoming notebook.

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4. Inspecting OCI L3 File Structure#

At Level-3 there are binned (B) and mapped (M) products available for OCI. The L3M remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) files contain global maps of Rrs. We’ll use the same earthaccess method to find the data.

tspan = ("2024-05-01", "2024-05-16")bbox = (-76.75, 36.97, -75.74, 39.01)results = earthaccess.search_data( short_name="PACE_OCI_L3M_RRS_NRT", temporal=tspan, bounding_box=bbox,)
Granules found: 120
paths =
Opening 120 granules, approx size: 36.62 GBusing endpoint:

OCI L3 data do not have any groups, so we can open the dataset without the group argument.Let’s take a look at the first file.

dataset = xr.open_dataset(paths[0])dataset
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 149MBDimensions: (lat: 4320, lon: 8640, rgb: 3, eightbitcolor: 256)Coordinates: * lat (lat) float32 17kB 89.98 89.94 89.9 89.85 ... -89.9 -89.94 -89.98 * lon (lon) float32 35kB -180.0 -179.9 -179.9 ... 179.9 179.9 180.0Dimensions without coordinates: rgb, eightbitcolorData variables: Rrs_442 (lat, lon) float32 149MB ... palette (rgb, eightbitcolor) uint8 768B ...Attributes: (12/64) product_name: PACE_OCI.20240430_20240507.L3m.8D.RRS.... instrument: OCI title: OCI Level-3 Standard Mapped Image project: Ocean Biology Processing Group (NASA/G... platform: PACE source: satellite observations from OCI-PACE ... ... identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/PACE/OCI/L3M/RRS/v1 keywords: Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Optics ... keywords_vocabulary: NASA Global Change Master Directory (G... data_bins: 15522789 data_minimum: -0.0009940007 data_maximum: 0.09647354

Notice that OCI L3M data has lat and lon coordinates, so it’s easy to slice out a bounding box and map the “Rrs_442” variable.

fig = plt.figure()ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())ax.coastlines()ax.gridlines(draw_labels={"left": "y", "bottom": "x"})rrs_442 = dataset["Rrs_442"].sel({"lat": slice(-25, -45), "lon": slice(10, 30)})plot = rrs_442.plot(cmap="viridis", vmin=0, ax=ax)

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (7)

Also becuase the L3M variables have lat and lon coordinates, it’s possible to stack multiple granules along anew dimension that corresponds to time.Instead of xr.open_dataset, we use xr.open_mfdataset to create a single xarray.Dataset (the “mf” in open_mfdataset stands for multiple files) from an array of paths.

We also use a new search filter available in earthaccess.search_data: the granule_name argument accepts strings with the “*” wildcard. We need this to distinguish daily (“DAY”) from eight-day (“8D”) composites, as well as to get the 0.1 degree resolution projections.

tspan = ("2024-05-01", "2024-05-8")results = earthaccess.search_data( short_name="PACE_OCI_L3M_CHL_NRT", temporal=tspan, granule_name="*.DAY.*.0p1deg.*",)
Granules found: 8
paths =
Opening 8 granules, approx size: 0.03 GBusing endpoint:

The paths list is sorted temporally by default, which means the shape of the paths array specifies the way we need to tile the files together into larger arrays. We specify combine="nested" to combine the files according to the shape of the array of files (or file-like objects), even though paths is not a “nested” list in this case. The concat_dim="date" argument generates a new dimension in the combined dataset, because “date” is not an existing dimension in the individual files.

dataset = xr.open_mfdataset( paths, combine="nested", concat_dim="date",)

Add a date dimension using the dates from the netCDF files.

dates = [ xr.open_dataset(a).attrs["time_coverage_end"] for a in paths]dt = pd.to_datetime(dates)dataset = dataset.assign_coords(date=dt.values)dataset
<xarray.Dataset> Size: 207MBDimensions: (date: 8, lat: 1800, lon: 3600, rgb: 3, eightbitcolor: 256)Coordinates: * lat (lat) float32 7kB 89.95 89.85 89.75 89.65 ... -89.75 -89.85 -89.95 * lon (lon) float32 14kB -179.9 -179.9 -179.8 ... 179.8 179.9 180.0 * date (date) datetime64[ns] 64B 2024-05-02T02:28:09 ... 2024-05-09T01:...Dimensions without coordinates: rgb, eightbitcolorData variables: chlor_a (date, lat, lon) float32 207MB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 512, 1024), meta=np.ndarray> palette (date, rgb, eightbitcolor) uint8 6kB dask.array<chunksize=(1, 3, 256), meta=np.ndarray>Attributes: (12/64) product_name: PACE_OCI.20240501.L3m.DAY.CHL.V1_0_0.c... instrument: OCI title: OCI Level-3 Standard Mapped Image project: Ocean Biology Processing Group (NASA/G... platform: PACE source: satellite observations from OCI-PACE ... ... identifier_product_doi: 10.5067/PACE/OCI/L3M/CHL/v1 keywords: Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemist... keywords_vocabulary: NASA Global Change Master Directory (G... data_bins: 1029726 data_minimum: 0.0041330624 data_maximum: 95.82805

A common reason to generate a single dataset from multiple, daily images is to create a composite. Compare the map from a single day …

chla = np.log10(dataset["chlor_a"])chla.attrs.update( { "units": f'lg({dataset["chlor_a"].attrs["units"]})', })plot = chla.sel(date = "2024-05-02").plot(aspect=2, size=4, cmap="GnBu_r")

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (8)

… to a map of average values, skipping “NaN” values that result from clouds and the OCI’s tilt maneuver.

chla_avg = chla.mean("date")chla_avg.attrs.update( { "long_name": chla.attrs["long_name"], "units": chla.attrs["units"], })plot = chla_avg.plot(aspect=2, size=4, cmap="GnBu_r")

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (9)

We can also create a time series of mean values over the whole region.

chla_avg = chla.mean(dim=["lon", "lat"], keep_attrs=True)plot = chla_avg.plot(linestyle='-', marker='o', color='b')

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (10)

You have completed the notebook on OCI file structure.

File Structure at Three Processing Levels for the Ocean Color Instrument (OCI) — PACE Hackweek 2024 (2024)


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