Shadow - [3.24] Tarekis' Facetank Flicker Trickster - Ultra Tanky All-Rounder - CI ES Stacker - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)

Shadow - [3.24] Tarekis' Facetank Flicker Trickster - Ultra Tanky All-Rounder - CI ES Stacker - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

PoB: Link
The PoB has general notes, leveling, gearing, and crafting advice. If you're familiar with PoE, you should be able to easily copy the build with the PoB alone.
For details about how the build works, and why which gear choices are made, read this guide.

Wave 30 Simulacrum
Deathless 8mod 125+ IIQ Elder Guardian Rotation (+inc map effect)
Overjuiced 8mod 140+ IIQ Elder Guardian Rotation (+inc map effect)
70+% Challenge Feared (feat. bad dodging)

Older Videos

Video Guide
The guide is from 3.23, but since nothing changed at the core of the build, this is still valid. Please only use it together with the new PoB suggestions until I make a new one when I deem it necessary and have enough time to!

I'm not a content creator, so expect some rambling, but this does go into the details and why some decisions are made, in case you either want to not read or don't understand why I built some specific thing.

1. Overview



Very Tanky
➕ Optimized to facetank, turn off your brain
➕ Good DPS
➕ Deathless 30 Wave Simulacrum, etc. (if the mods aren't rippy you can facetank Krosis Slams)
➕ Won't die to almost any one-shot
➕ You are now a chad flicker strike enjoyer
➕ Base concept also works with other skills if you want to play some other melee skill instead (LS of arcing + nimis seems to work great)



➖ You might get motion sickness, it's flicker strike
➖ Bosses sometimes take a few seconds if they are beefy, all non-uber content is totally fine
➖ Without Awakend Multistrike you rarely run out of Frenzy Charges when there's only 1 Enemy, pretty non-issue tho

With proper investment you can kill Ubers with it, but it's not nice at all, you die to some slams, uber shaper is annoying as hell, etc.
Flicker Strike bossing is generally a bad experience tho, especially if you don't have an instant movement skill other than leap slam socketed, uber shaper is really really annoying, etc.





No major changes for this build up until now. New mods tho.

We can now get +1 frenzy gloves and satisfy most of shock avoid with boot suffix.
The new perandus jewel is amazing for this build, throw it in socket near Iron Reflexes, pretty good successor for TWWT.

Losing charms and TWWT simply removes damage (culling, ele pen, enemy increased from conc ground) and fortify, which you can source from elsewhere, or drop altogether for less max hit.
We sadly won't get honoured tattoos, which would be awesome for this build, but we still can get cold res and evasion ration on the dex pathing nodes, which frees up cold res on gear.

To regain culling and fortify there is the option to drop the free slot for portal/vaal haste for a 4-totem link and make the totems do culling strikes. I think this is a sensible change.
Fortify on the other hand is a bit harder to get, there's only really either the Eater Body Armour implicit, which replaces the wrath effect/energy shield implicit, or temple-corrupting until fortify+resolute technique, which is insane to target-farm.
I changed the chest implicit to fortify as it's the most feasible option to get fortify, and really, what's 3% damage vs 20% less damage taken from hits. Hyperoptimize with double-corrupted EE with RT/Fortify. Very pricey, but get a base EE (perfect roll, price won't matter when doing this), enchant attack speed quality and throw at temple until you get the correct corruptions. RT/atkspeed is also very nice, could be worth getting instead too, and using fortify implicit instead.

In 3.24 I expect the starting cost for a full gear set to be around the same as in the last few leagues. You'll need about ~20d for a good intial gear set, depending on the prices. VotS was unearthed by a few other builders in 3.23 and thus gained popularity, no more cheap niche item, rip. I usually spend around 50d for kinda optimized gear, and then spend some more if I'm feeling it (I always do).

You can get it online for a relatively small budget, but expect a significant DPS decrease.
The only absolutely required items is uncorrupted Ephemeral, everything else you can just use low tier versions and deal with less ES/DPS, and save up for a Aegis and asap and Voice Amulet next.
It's league-startable, but you have to level with blade trap until you can get together some decent ES.

2. Mechanics




• High Energy Shield adds max Lightning Dmg trough Ephemeral Edge.
• Corruption Implicit makes all hits hit, never crit.
• Voice of the Storm makes non-crits Lucky, Precice Technique + CI makes them do 30% more dmg.
• Abyss Jewels for more added flat lightning.
• Bottled Faith and Mark makes Enemies take increased dmg.
• Tons of Exposure and Penetration.



• Relatively high Energy Shield (7k+)
• High Evasion converted to high Armour
• 50/50 Block
• Massive ES regain on blocked hits (~1200-1500 ES)
• High Leech + ~12% of ES on kill
• Immunity to Bleed/Corrupted Blood & Elemental Ailments & Chaos Dmg

Frenzy Generation


This build relies entirely on frenzy charge generation on hit. This works smooth enough, you don't need farrul's for flicker, you didn't need it before it was introduced either.
That is also the reason for taking the sword cluster, which is pretty mediocre, but provides chance to generate on hit plus block.

Whenever you do bosses where you spawn to the boss only and have no trash mobs beforehand where you can get your frenzy charges up you'll need to use the frenzy skill to get your charges up, then use flicker.
Sometimes when you do not have woke multistrike yet, you will run low on charges, at which point you should top your charges up with frenzy again, I usually do this around 5/8 charges, but it rarely happens, and only against single target.

To prove this works here's the math:

The relevant calculation here is against a single unique enemy (usually a map boss), because splash/additional hits, 8% on kill + 20% on block + this calculation is enough to sustain against mob packs anyways.

• 25% from 20% quality Flicker Strike
• 10% from hits against marked enemy
• 8% from hits against unique enemy

That makes 43% chance to gain a frenzy charge on hitting a marked unique enemy.
You hit 3 times per expended frenzy with regular multistrike, 4 with awakened multistrike.
That means you have a 81.48% chance to gain a frenzy charge whenever you expend one (aka pressing flicker strike), or 89.444% with awakened multistrike.
This only accounts the probability to gain at least one frenzy charge. You will also be getting two or more per expended frenzy charge on occasion, and thus generally maintaining max or at least close to max frenzy charges with awakened multistrike.

3. Skill Tree


The skill tree starts being somewhat complete at around level 75, skip the damage nodes and get mechanic-enabling nodes and especially jewel sockets ASAP.
For a leveling and a full 95 and 100 skill tree check the PoB: Link

4. Leveling


Check the PoB for progession on tree + gear + gems: Link

5. Gear


For all rare crafting guides check the PoB: Link

Example Gear Set (pretty optimized from 3.23)


Gearing details


Refer to the PoB for gear progression, example gear and crafting guides.
I keep them up to date there, as it's easier to do it in one place only.
Here are the details of what you want for your gear assuming you have at least some budget so throw at the build.



Ephemeral Edge, Corrupted with Resolute Technique
Without the corrupt, it will feel bad



Aegis Aurora, plain and simple



Once you run Stormshroud, get Torment Essence Mod
Prefixes: you want as high ES as possible, if you want to increase DPS veiled chaos prefixes for +2 AoE
Suffixes: Shock Avoid (if Stormshroud), Ele Res / Int



Gloves can have vastly different mods, there are many good options, e.g.:
- the "default" flicker gloves with +1 frenzy, +non-vaal strike targets
- pure ES, pure Res
- ES/Res + atk spd/dmg



Again, high ES prefixes, res/int suffixes
If you want to (you probably don't need it, but some people prefer it, get movement speed instead of ES hybrid, but you'll be flickering+leap slamming anyway, so I never do)

This is the most buyable non-jewellery slot of them all, if you can get a good deal you might wanna buy instead of craft.

Body Armour:


High Evasion & High Energy Shield sad*st Garb OR Bronn's Lithe
You can make your life easy and just opt for Bronn's, might make capping resistances more annoying tho.



High-rolled Darkness Enthroned with DPS Abyss Jeweles OR Crystal Belt with ES, Flask Effect, Ele Dmg (Res if you need it). Check PoB for a Belt

For obvious reasons (up to double stats) you want your best jewels in here, you might also get away with increasing the effect of bleed avoidance on a jewel (explicit + corruption implicit can mean 100% avoidance from one jewel).



Voice of the Storm, Annoint Tribal Fury for clear



Left Ring Slot is Shavronne's Revelation for some fat flat ES.
Right Slot is some rare ring with whatever your build lacks now.

Just finish off your build with whatever you need from ring, and get ES & Damage if you're res capped.
You can build your ring spamming Torment or Woe and hoping for the best, or just buy one.
I simply searched for ES, flat lighting, ele w/ atk, ele/lightning %dmg and bought the best price/value one.



Bottled Faith (only inc dmg% mod is important, ignore crit)
Vessel of Vinktar (pen variant) (only run this if you have Stormshroud)
Jade, Silver, Basalt or Stibnite
Prefix isn't that important, charge gained on hit is very neat as you can keep flask uptime against single target fights that hit often, but as long as it's not inc/red effect you're pretty fine
Suffixes should be %atk spd, %evasion, %armour or %ms.



Explanation TBD, check PoB

Lethal Pride:
Essentially just get the Indimidation Chance Node, then as many Double Damage Chance as possible, and maybe Strength to complete requirements.

Watcher's Eye:
Lightning Pen
%inc Lightning dmg if you can
+3 mod if you're rich

It's cheap this league, grab some ele ailments umminity

The Perandus Pact
Get one with
Passive Skills in Radius also grant 3% increased Energy Shield
and use it in the socket near Iron Reflexes

Ye old Feed The Fury + Fuel the Fight + Martial Prowess
Swap Martial for Heavy hitter to make it like 3d cheaper, lowers your DPS only slightly


Those aren't that min-maxed as the DE jewels, especially because it's harder since you want corrupted blood immunity and %shock avoid on them.



I can’t recommend getting Mageblood if you don't already have one and want to cram it into this build, or you‘re willing to spend a few hundred divs more on top of MB for ultra-optimizing, especially int-stacking.
This build was made and optimized without consideration for MB, and it could probably do more in other builds. However, it obviously still works, and I personally won't be using one until I can throw money around without care as I don't see that much worth in it.

I added some items in PoB for Mageblood but they are a bit stale from 3.23, so wait a bit until I get to it if you want to see more item updates for 3.24 and how that could improve the build.

In the PoB you can see items that are slightly improved over their default variants because they don't need to have as much resistance as previously.
Especially the Chest is important to swap out for a double-corrupted Bronn's, inc damage and +2 duration is the best combo. You will lose quite a bit of Armour and a ton of ES, but that's mostly fine. You will be less tanky with a MB, but still manageable.
Getting a good roll and especially good base percentile is unlikely, so you will essentially just have to deal with lower rolls. You can do it for the meme and try it yourself at the temple and get pretty lucky like I did last league: Gud Bronn's (still less DPS tho because ES instead of +2 duration)

Your gloves is the other item you might want to swap out.
You want to get double-elevated (or warlord-only elevated) gloves that have +frenzy and +strike targets, optimally with atk spd and a lucky third prefix that's either ES (if the base is INT) or melee dmg.
The best option would be corrupted +1 gloves so you get +2 frenzy instead of +1, but it's insanely expensive to craft those. If you do decide to go that route, you might be better off asking someone that crafted those before. If you do, you might just go Ice Bite Paradoxica Flicker instead, it's not tanky, but it does up to 40 times the DPS of this build, hence also costs tons.
With MB you can ignore resistances here, so anything good you get like int is just on top.

Then, if your budget is high, you can get a mirror-tier Precursor or actually Mirror a Shako Ring and Kalandra's Touch it.

Otherwise, simply change out Attributes/Int for resistances since you do not need them that much.

I talk about MB at the end of the video guide as well, it might give you some understanding on the matter too.

Last edited by Tarekis on May 7, 2024, 6:54:12 AM

Last bumped on May 23, 2024, 4:45:23 PM

Shadow - [3.24] Tarekis' Facetank Flicker Trickster - Ultra Tanky All-Rounder - CI ES Stacker - Forum - Path of Exile (2)

Posted by
on Jan 2, 2024, 4:57:15 PM

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Shadow - [3.24] Tarekis' Facetank Flicker Trickster - Ultra Tanky All-Rounder - CI ES Stacker - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)


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