Sponsor a Child | Child Sponsorship | Compassion UK (2024)

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Some of the questions you may have about sponsorship.

Education helps lift people out of poverty—and Compassion ensures each child and youth has access to knowledge and training. Every child in the sponsorship programme is given the opportunity to complete formal primary schooling. The support provided to ensure this happens varies depending on the child's context and the barriers preventing them from accessing the classroom. For example, sponsorship funds may pay for one, or a combination of the following: school fees, resources, uniforms or securing identification papers and other documents needed to access local schooling. After formal primary education, our church partners ensure young people have the opportunity to either continue in formal education or vocational training depending on what is most appropriate to their context. Along with access to formal education or vocational training, Compassion project staff and tutors also offer age-appropriate learning like hygiene, computer training and music.

Please visit our child sponsorship page and find a child you'd like to sponsor. You can sponsor a girl or sponsor a child from a specific country; you can even sponsor a child with the same birthday as you.If you'd like help sponsoring a child, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email atinfo@compassionuk.org.Sponsor a child today and give them life-changing support, including food, education and health-checks. Child sponsorship with Compassion is an opportunity to come alongside a local church, and together, bring hope and lasting change to a child living in poverty.

Child sponsorship with Compassion is an opportunity to come alongside a local church, and together, bring hope and lasting change to a child in poverty. Independent research shows that this approach works!Education: Formal education or vocational training and training on subjects like hygiene, computing and music. Alongside educational support, including school uniforms and resources or advocating for identification papers and other documents that help children access local schooling.Healthcare: Each child and youth receives a yearly medical check-up. Additionally, they can access recommended immunisations to support their fight against diseases and help them stay healthy. Follow-up medical care and interventions will be provided as necessary.Nutritional support: Malnutrition is one of the world’s leading causes of child deaths and hinders brain and physical development. Regular monitoring helps identify and address malnutrition before it critically impacts development.
Community: through pastors, tutors, church staff and volunteers, children we work with are cared for and invested in by members of their own communities who encourage them to discover their unique gifts, passions and abilities. Through the local church, children and youth have peers to learn alongside and opportunities to form healthy friendships. Sponsors play an important role through prayers and messages of encouragement. Compassion also addresses the wider context of the child by providing opportunities for the caregivers, families and communities of those we serve.Safety: child protection is at the heart of our work. Child development projects are safe places to learn and play. Adults who engage with children are trained and committed to protecting children. Children and youth are taught about how to safeguard and advocate for themselves. Compassion commits to high-quality systems and processes for handling reports of abuse.Support during disasters and crises: Compassion’s local church partners are often the first to respond in the community. When a crisis strikes – like widespread natural disasters, civil unrest and economic instability facing the world today – vulnerable children and families are the hardest hit. Compassion comes alongside so children and youth can access emergency aid and necessities like clean water, shelter, clothing and trauma counselling.What’s more, by empowering and educating one child, you bring change to a family. Sponsored children share what they learn with their siblings and parents. We regularly hear stories of children teaching their parents and siblings to read or how to practice good hygiene in the home. Moreover, they receive the love, care and support of a local church community, which can make a transformative difference for the whole family.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

Our church partners reach the children in the greatest need.
Staff who know their communities inside out identify the children most in need of your sponsorship support. Children are given help regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.We start searching for a sponsor, like you.
Once registered in the Compassion Programme, we look for one sponsor to support each child.One Compassion sponsor starts to empower one child.
When you start sponsoring, you sponsor a child directly! Your donations will immediately begin to support the child you sponsor.Children meet at their local Compassion projectWe have thousands of local church partners tailoring our holistic child development model to the contextualised needs of the children they serve — the children in their communities.When you sponsor a child with us, the beneficiary of your support is the specific child you sponsor. The family may receive additional or indirect benefits, but we focus on one child.The child you sponsor will attend a Compassion Project at their local church. There, they'll;

  • Receive a curriculum based on their individual needs and development stage
  • Access to a church-driven local project, and the love and support of staff and volunteers
  • Nutritional support
  • Health check-ups
  • Educational opportunities
  • Personal attention and guidance from loving staff members
  • An age-appropriate Bible and Biblical teaching and opportunities to hear about the love of Jesus
  • Vocational training opportunities

Sponsors exchange letters with the child they sponsor.Letters will be an encouragement to you both. Please be patient as letter delivery can be disrupted by local circ*mstances such as restrictions on meeting, floods or unrest, but we do all we can to deliver them swiftly and safely.The cycle of poverty is broken!Compassion-sponsored children are empowered to live free from poverty and bring change to their families and communities.You can read about what Compassion graduates think of the programme here.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

Compassion is a leading Christian charity and is considered one of the best child sponsorship organisations.We have experience!Founded in 1952, Compassion is a Christian child development charity releasing children from poverty, in Jesus’ name.We work across the globe exclusively through local church-driven projectsWorking in 29 countries, we partner with more than 8,600 local churches within communities experiencing poverty. Our heart is to give children and young people living in extreme need the opportunity to thrive and reach their God-given potential both now and into the future.We’re Christ-centredWe're motivated by Jesus’ call to love our neighbour.We're child-focusedWe're helping those left most vulnerable to the effects of poverty.Our programmes care for every part of a child's lifeCompassion’s child development programmes are holistic, giving children support in every core area of their lives.Because we work in partnership with local churches who know their communities inside out, our programmes are tailored to a child’s age, gender, health, culture and family situation. Independent research shows they are highly effective; now, more than 2.3 million children are being released from poverty.Click here to find out what graduates say.
Click here to find out what sponsors say.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

We have experience!Compassion has been empowering children to overcome poverty since 1952.It works!Independent research shows that Compassion-sponsored children stay in school longer and are more likely to grow up to be employed and leaders in their churches and communities. Moreover, more than 500 Compassion graduates were surveyed about their experience. You can read more here.We believe it’s an injustice that worldwide more than 333 million children live in extreme poverty. And as Christians, we have a biblical call to care for the poor and love our neighbour.That’s why Compassion works in partnership with local churches across 29 countries to release children from poverty, in Jesus’ name.We’re a leading authority in holistic child development, giving children support in every core area of their lives.Our programmes support children's physical and mental wellbeing. They cultivate character and give a child or young person the skills, access to education and motivation they need to be self-sufficient in the future. The care is given in the context of a local church community where children and their families can experience practical expressions of God’s love.We care for children even before they’ve been born, all the way through to young adulthood.

  • Our Child Survival Interventions keep mums safe during pregnancy and protect babies through their vital first 1,000 days of life.
  • Our Child Sponsorship Programme empowers children and young people to overcome poverty. We care for a child’s mind, body, heart and spirit by giving them educational opportunities, nutritional support, medical check-ups and the support of their local church. Our approach is a personal one, linking one child in poverty with one sponsor. Through prayers and messages of encouragement, sponsors play a significant role in building the confidence of their sponsored child and affirming their worth in Christ.
  • Our Compassion Interventions remove any additional obstacles preventing children from thriving, whether giving support after a natural disaster or providing access to medical treatment, safe water, specialised educational resources or legal protection.

Our holistic child development model is tailored to a child’s age, gender, health, culture and family situation. Because we work through the local church, it’s also contextualised to fit the needs of the children in each community.Graduates of our programmes often become changemakers, bringing hope and transformation to their families, communities and even countries.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

Compassion child sponsorship is a powerful and lasting way to tackle poverty.For £32 a month, you can empower a child to overcome the complex obstacles poverty brings. Your sponsorship ensures a child can access medical check-ups, education, food, clothing, and social and emotional care through the local church.We know this is a significant commitment, but it's the reality of what it costs to provide children with the best care and the resources they need to break free from every aspect of poverty.You can partner with a local church and empower a child with the life-changing message of the Gospel.You can empower a child to see transformation in their family, community and country.When you sponsor a child, you become part of a multiplying movement of change and transformation - in the life of a child and in the lives of those around them. Join the movement to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

Child sponsorship will generally last until the child you sponsor finishes their education, which is usually between the ages of 18 and 22, depending on the country and personal circ*mstances. It’s quite common for the children in our programmes to start school late, have to repeat years or even stay on to do vocational training courses. We want to support them through everything so they're in the best possible position to support themselves and their families when they grow up. Be inspired by Emanuel's story here.What happens if the child I sponsor leaves before then?Sometimes, children may leave the projectbefore they've finished their education. If there is another Compassion project near their new home, we’ll transfer their sponsorship. If we're unable to find a suitable project, then we’ll let you know so you can write a final letter to bless them.What happens if my circ*mstances change?Our hope is that each child will have the same sponsor throughout, but we do understand that our sponsors’ situations change too. If you wish to end your child sponsorship, the child you sponsor will continue to benefit from the Compassion programme,and we’ll look to find a new sponsor as quickly as possible.I have more questionsIf you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

Anyone can sponsor with Compassion from anywhere in the world, but we might have to adjust how you make your donation. We're part of a network of 16 global fundraising offices, so you might find one in the country where you live and work.Get in touch with our friendly team to find out the best route for you to sponsor. You can contact them by telephone on 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

Child sponsorship with Compassion UK enables you to come alongside a child living in poverty.We do this in partnership with the local church.We have thousands of local church partners tailoring our holistic child development model to the contextualised needs of the children they serve — the children in their communities.When you sponsor a child with us, the beneficiary of your support is the specific child you sponsor. The family may receive additional or indirect benefits, but we focus on one child.The child you sponsor will attend a Compassion Project at their local church. There, they'll receive;

  • Curriculum based on their individual needs and development stage
  • Access to a church-driven local project, and the love and support of staff and volunteers
  • Nutritional support
  • Health check-ups
  • Educational opportunities
  • Personal attention and guidance from loving staff members
  • An age-appropriate Bible and Biblical teaching and the opportunity to hear about the love of Jesus
  • Vocational training
  • Encouragement from your letters

You can find out more about child sponsorship here.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.


You may also feel uncomfortable with the idea of sponsorship for a variety of reasons. Compassion is committed to serving children living in poverty, and we believe one-to-one sponsorship is a great way to do this. Why do we think this?It's a locally-led approachFar from being dictated, Compassion has in-country leadership teams who formulate the strategy for their local in-country church partners, across the 29 countries. This means they can minister to the children and their families who need the most support in the ways they know best.It's driven by the local churchWe believe local in-country church leaders, staff and volunteers are best positioned to care for and love the children and families living in their communities because they live there, too. As a result, they can adapt supporting activities to
meet their unique needs.Compassion equips and enables these church leaders and provides them with the resources they need so they
can continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities.It's not just benefitting one child, but their family tooAnd the great news is that the child you sponsor's family also benefits from your decision to sponsor. So, if you’re weighing up sponsorship advantages and disadvantages, here are nine ways your child sponsorship makes an even bigger difference.And all the stories we tell are collected by our local in-country photojournalists. They understand the culture, practices, and challenges and are trained to approach every story opportunity with dignity and gratitude, knowing that we are not entitled to anyone's story.We're grateful for your supportTime and time again, we hear from graduates that their sponsor's encouraging words and prayers made a real difference in their lives. You can read more about that here. Together, we can release children from poverty in Jesus' name.

Our friendly team are here to help. Contact us at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.We do understand that our supporters go through periods of financial difficulty. If you are finding it a challenge to keep up with your sponsorship payments, then please get in touch as there are a number of ways we can help.We can look at giving you a break from payments for a few months, reducing the amount you pay, changing the day your Direct Debit comes out of your account, or a combination of all three. We really want to help you maintain the relationship you've built up with the child or children you sponsor, so please get in touch with us directly, so we can discuss your options.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, global travel restrictions and safety concerns for the communities we serve hindered our ability to invite supporters like you to see first-hand what God is doing to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.This situation was unexpected and led to a significant repurposing and reduction of our original workforce, who were dedicated to planning and facilitating trips and visits. As a result, we’re now re-growing our teams and capacity. Initially, we’re offering a small number of trips for specific purposes.We ask for your grace and patience as we rebuild. We’re looking forward to being able to offer these experiences to supporters more widely in the future.Compassion visits give you the privilege of meeting the child you sponsor and their family. During your day’s visit, learn more about how the local church is supporting the family and empowering them to overcome poverty. Spend valuable time building relationship with the child you sponsor and praying and encouraging one another.What you need to know about visiting

  • You will need to have been supporting a child with Compassion for at least a year.
  • You need to arrange your visit through our Tours and Visits team. Please get in touch with us at least 6-8 weeks in advance.
  • Visits take place at a Compassion project or other suitable location. If possible, you’ll also visit the home of the child you sponsor.
  • While visiting, you'll need to pay for any expenses incurred, including transport, visit host, meals and accommodation.
  • Visits usually take place Monday – Friday and are between 3 and 6 hours long.

We do understand that sponsors’ situations change, and there may be any number of reasons why you have to end your support.If you’re moving out of the country, struggling to keep up with the sponsorship payments or finding it difficult to write letters, there are several ways we may be able to support you, so please let us know.If you do decide to end your sponsorship, the child you sponsor will continue to benefit from the CompassionChild Sponsorship Programme, and we’ll try to find another sponsor for them as soon as possible.If you do decide to stop sponsoring, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.orgso we know what happened. Thank you.

Here at Compassion, we want to help as many families as possible. Therefore, it’s typical for Compassion projects to enrol just one child per family to reach as many families in their community as possible. This is because sponsorship benefits not just the child but the whole family. However, if the family is in great need, up to three children could be enrolled.But there's a ripple effectThe great news is that thebenefits of the sponsorship programmereach into the family and wider community of the child you sponsor. Because all our programmes are run through local churches, families can access health screenings, nutritional advice and support, parenting workshops and other church activities. Sponsored children often share what they learn at the Compassion Project with siblings, and many lead their entire families to Christ. As well as encouraging the child you sponsor's family through your letters and prayers, you can also send financial gifts to the family.Here's Doreen's experienceWe asked Compassion Graduate, Doreen, how her siblings felt when she was sponsored. "Obviously, the ones that are not sponsored would be like, "Why not me?" The bigger picture is it's excitement, it's hope. I may not be educated, but the fact that Doreen has gotten a sponsor and she'll be educated, she might be the one who's going to hold the light for the family. For them it was hope that, yes, they have gotten this, and they will be the ones that will help the rest of the family members." You can read her story here.

We’re sorry you've had trouble seeing your sponsorships on your myCompassion account. Here are a few suggestions to help get you logged in.

  • If you are an existing sponsor, your sponsored childwill show in your myCompassion account within 24 hoursof verifying your account.
  • If you are a new sponsor, your sponsored child will show in your myCompassion account within two working days of verifying your account.

You can verify your account through the verification email that you received after registering for myCompassion.

If no information about your child or childrenhas appearedaftertwo working days, pleasecontact usso that we can resolve this issue for you.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.If you're struggling to log in, this might help.

When you sponsor a child, parents or caregivers are released from some financial pressure as one of their children receives;

  • Education: Formal education or vocational training and training on subjects like hygiene, computing and music. Alongside educational support, including school uniforms and resources or advocating for identification papers and other documents that help children access local schooling.
  • Healthcare: Each child and youth receives a yearly medical check-up. Additionally, they can access recommended immunisations to support their fight against diseases and help them stay healthy. Follow-up medical care and interventions will be provided as necessary.
  • Nutritional support: Malnutrition is one of the world’s leading causes of child deaths and hinders brain and physical development. Regular monitoring helps identify and address malnutrition before it critically impacts development.
  • Community: through pastors, tutors, church staff and volunteers, children we work with are cared for and invested in by members of their own communities who encourage them to discover their unique gifts, passions and abilities. Through the local church, children and youth have peers to learn alongside and opportunities to form healthy friendships. Sponsors play an important role through prayers and messages of encouragement. Compassion also addresses the wider context of the child by providing opportunities for the caregivers, families and communities of those we serve.
  • Safety: child protection is at the heart of our work. Child development projects are safe places to learn and play. Adults who engage with children are trained and committed to protecting children. Children and youth are taught about how to safeguard and advocate for themselves. Compassion commits to high-quality systems and processes for handling reports of abuse.
  • Support during disasters and crises: Compassion’s local church partners are often the first to respond in the community. When a crisis strikes – like widespread natural disasters, civil unrest and economic instability facing the world today – vulnerable children and families are the hardest hit. Compassion comes alongside so children and youth can access emergency aid and necessities like clean water, shelter, clothing and trauma counselling.

What’s more, by empowering and educating one child, you bring change to a family. Sponsored children share what they learn with their siblings and parents. We regularly hear stories of children teaching their parents and siblings to read or how to practice good hygiene in the home. Moreover, they receive the love, care and support of a local church community, which can make a transformative difference for the whole family.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

Compassion has leadership teams in each country who know their contexts well, and each country office has a strategic plan to begin partnerships and open Compassion projects in communities, which would be most beneficial.In identifying areas where the need is great, they seek out churches which would be good partners in the mission to release children from poverty in Jesus' name. You can read more about how we select those church partners here. Churches understand their communities inside out, so are well placed to identify and support children in greatest need.We’d love to sponsor every child, but our resources are limited, so we focus our support on the poorest families. We work with children from all faiths and backgrounds. All children to be registered are selected based on objective criteria that establish their need and ability to benefit from the programme. Our project staff meet with the families to better understand their circ*mstances and to ensure they are happy for their children to participate in a programme run by the local church. You can read more about how we assess needs here.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

When you sponsor a child with Compassion, you’ll have the joy of knowing you’re making a tangible difference to one of the world’s most vulnerable children.We understand that answering God’s call to care for those living in poverty can feel like an overwhelming task. That’s why we’re giving you the opportunity to sponsor a child and tackle poverty in a highly personal and effective way.Your sponsorship will directly provide a child with access to educational resources, healthcare and the emotional support they need to break free from poverty, for good. Over time, the child you sponsor’s letters and photo updates will encourage you in the difference you're making.If you have further questions, please get in touch with our friendly team at 01932 836490 or by email at info@compassionuk.org.

Sponsored children can move from one Compassion project to another for a number of reasons. Families in poverty are often extremely mobile and a child may move to a new area because a parent is looking for work. Alternatively, sometimes Compassion will need to end a partnership with a church for integrity reasons or because a church no longer needs our help in ministering to children.When a partnership with a local church ends, Compassion’s field office tries to ensure that as many children as possible are transferred to another project nearby. As Noel Pabiona, country director for the Philippines explains, every effort is made to give each child “a new Compassion home”.This was the case for the children who were attending Charis Child Development Centre in the Philippines. After nine years of ministering to children, the partnership sadly had to come to an end. This left more than 100 children who were transferred to the nearby Kabalaka Child Development Centre. One of these children was 16-year-oldJhezzo.Jhezzo is so grateful that she has been able to keep receiving support from the Compassion programme by moving project. She's thrilled that although she will be given a new child number to reflect the number of her new Compassion project, she can still maintain a relationship with the same sponsor. This consistency has been so reassuring during a time of great change and transition.“I’m happy to have my sponsor,” Jhezza explains. “She is a big help to me in many ways, including in my spiritual growth. Through sponsorship I canattend camps, special meetings, support groups and Bible studies. Having a sponsor gives opportunities to simple people like me.”Sponsor a Child | Child Sponsorship | Compassion UK (1)The project workers at Kabalaka Child Development Centre have made every effort to welcome Jhezzo and the other children. They even organised a special service where they sung the hymn “Welcome to the Family” and Reverend Salvador Parpa preached a message explaining ‘We are now one family’.

Compassion UK Christian Child Development, registered charity in England and Wales (1077216) and Scotland (SC045059). A company limited by guarantee, Registered in England and Wales company number 03719092. Registered address: Compassion House, Barley Way, Fleet, Hampshire, GU51 2UT.

Sponsor a Child | Child Sponsorship | Compassion UK (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.