Your Intuition Led You Here : Daily Rituals for Empowerment, Inner Knowing, and Magic (2024)

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Your Intuition Led You Here : Daily Rituals for Empowerment, Inner Knowing, and Magic (1)

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angličtina [en], .epub, 🚀/lgli/zlib, 11.2MB, 📘 Kniha (populárně naučná literatura), lgli/Alex Naranjo & Marlene Vargas - Your Intuition Led You Here (2021, Harmony/Rodale).epub

Your Intuition Led You Here : Daily Rituals for Empowerment, Inner Knowing, and Magic 🔍

Harmony/Rodale, 2021

Alex Naranjo, Marlene Vargas 🔍


A practical beginner’s guide to magic that helps you set intentions, listen to your inner voice, and achieve radical change—from the owners of the destination boutique House of Intuition.
“A must-read if you are into crystals, energy, and rituals.”— PopSugar
Life can seem less than magical on a day-to-day basis. But look a little closer at the synchronicities and coincidences that pop up and you’ll catch a glimpse of greater powers at play.
Alex Naranjo and Marlene Vargas, the owners of the biggest metaphysical shop on the West Coast, want to let you in on a secret: that power is you. And if you acknowledge and tap into your innate power, the possibilities are endless.
Alex and Marlene are experts in using magic as a tool of self-care and empowerment. They have transformed their lives by tuning in to their intuition and intention—which is where all magic begins—and now they show you how to do the same. In Your Intuition Led You Here, they share thirty-two tried-and-true rituals and more guidance on setting your intention and manifesting your desires, including:
• creating an altar
• working with crystals and candles
• making offerings to ancestors and guides
• understanding the symbolism behind key magical ingredients
• designing your own rituals in response to your inner voice
Your intuition is a gift. In these pages, you will learn to hear it and respond to it with intention so that you can align your reality with your true self.

metadata komentáře

Source title: Your Intuition Led You Here: Daily Rituals for Empowerment, Inner Knowing, and Magic

Alternativní autor

Naranjo, Alex, Vargas, Marlene

Alternativní autor

Alex Naranjo; Marlene Vargas

Alternativní nakladatel

Random House Digital Inc.

Alternativní nakladatel

Rodale Books

Alternativní vydání

First edition, New York, 2021

Alternativní vydání

Oct 26, 2021

Alternativní vydání

1, 20211228

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Alternativní popis

An intuitive resource for using everyday tools for magical results, featuring 32 rituals to help you tap into your intention and self-empowerment—from the owners of the destination boutique House of Intuition. “A must-read if you are into crystals, energy, and rituals.”—PopSugar Alex Naranjo and Marlene Vargas, the owners of the biggest metaphysical shop on the West Coast, empower you to hear your inner voice and design your own powerful rituals in response. Part memoir, part ritual guide, Your Intuition Led You Here is ultimately a path to accessing the healing potential of magic, understanding your power, and putting your intuition into practice. With wit, lightness, and accessibility, Alex and Marlene guide you through . . . • How to create magic: With thirty-two tried-and-true ritual recipes, this book is a uniquely knowledgeable guide on how to utilize the power of ritual to tap into intuition and inner knowing. • Symbolism: Discover the symbolism behind key ingredients (everyday herbs, oils, elements, crystals) so that you can devise and personalize your own rituals. • Rituals to manifest magic: Put magic to work with candle spells, protection baths, love jars, and box spells for releasing and letting go. Learn zodiac-personalized energies, herbs, colors, and the most energetically powerful days of the week to manifest your desired intentions. Your intuition is a gift. In these pages, you will learn to hear it and respond to it with intention so that you can align your reality with your true self.

Alternativní popis

"Alex Naranjo and Marlene Vargas, the owners of the biggest metaphysical shop on the West Coast, House of Intuition, have a clear mission: to bring the life-changing experience of magic to a world that needs magic more than ever. Your Intuition Led You Here is a practical beginner's guide to magic that helps people achieve healing, transformation, empowerment, and personal growth. It also shares their personal story as LGBTQ Latinx women and their unlikely journey to becoming champions of magic as a tool of self-care and empowerment. With wit, lightness, and accessibility, Alex and Marlene guide you through the process of tapping into your intuition, intention, and self-empowerment. The book contains a Magic 101 primer, an appendix with the symbolism behind key magical ingredients, and rituals that allow you to align with your true self, including: creating an altar making offerings to ancestors and guides working with crystals and candles with intention securing more love, abundance, and happiness with the help of herbs and essential oils"-- Provided by publisher

Alternativní popis

Alex Naranjo and Marlene Vargas, the owners of House of Intuition, have a clear mission: to bring the life-changing experience of magic to a world that needs magic more than ever. This is their empowering and accessible guide to harnessing the power of ritual and inner knowing. With wit, lightness, and accessibility, Alex and Marlene guide you through the process of tapping into your intuition, intention, and self-empowerment. The book contains a Magic 101 primer, an appendix with the symbolism behind key magical ingredients, and 32 tried and true rituals that allow you to align with your true self. Print run 75,000

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Your Intuition Led You Here : Daily Rituals for Empowerment, Inner Knowing, and Magic (2024)


What is an example of intuition way of knowing? ›

Intuition is that feeling in your gut when you instinctively know that something you are doing is right or wrong. Or it's that moment when you sense kindness, or fear, in another's face. You don't know why you feel that way; it's just a hunch.

Does God give the gift of intuition? ›

Intuition is a gift from God. But any gift can be abused by using it in the flesh instead of in the Spirit. As we progress in our walk with Jesus, we become more attuned to his heart for others. We also grow in our ability to perceive when others might have impure motives.

Why is intuition so powerful? ›

Our minds constantly process and store information, integrating subtle cues and accumulated knowledge. This cognitive process operates beneath our conscious awareness, enabling us to make rapid judgments and decisions. This practical understanding of intuition makes it valuable in our decision-making toolkit.

What is a real life example of intuition? ›

We have all had times when we walk into a room at work, a party of friends, or our own family and we pick up on a weird tension, this would be an example of intuition at work. Another example may be conversationally intuiting or anticipating the direction or ending of someone's story.

Is strong intuition a gift? ›

Everyone is born with the gift of intuition, but sometimes life has a way of disconnecting us from this sacred form of communication. As a result, we lose track of what our soul is trying to tell us and feel confused about our purpose, identity, and authentic path.

How can I engage my intuition? ›

Clear the Noise. Clearing the clutter of mental or external noise is one of the best ways to tap into our intuition easier. Spending time in solitude or in meditation can be profound in helping us better pick up on our inner guidance.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.